(e:soyeon) it has happened to me too. [inlink]soyeon,95[/inlink] Just about two months ago I went to look at one of my credit cards online and it said Access Denied and gave me a number to call. I called and they told me there was a freeze on my account. They asked me if I had spent $538.00 at Payless Shoe Store and $635.00 at a hotel. I hadn't been on any cheap shoe shopping sprees out of town and told them that. It really freaked me out. But, they cancelled the card and sent me some stuff to sign and about two weeks later it was all good as new. So don't worry it should turn out OK.
(e:robin) I thought you were a jackass last night honking at jaywalkers for no reason. I think I even called you a nasty name. Sorry, I guess. Next time maybe throw some kind of party favor at us instead. We didn't end up doing anything that night at all. We passed the party you might have gone too. Seemed jammin'. Saw (e:trisha) and (e:paulnotpaul) (though I'm not sure he still deserves hi (e:) since he hasn't written in months) and they said they were gonna tear the attic down around themselves. The walls were already listing. Hope you had a good time if you went.
Lastly, (e:floppydonkey) go spend some quality time with your girlfriend (e:maidencateyes) in the sun. You could always record the game and watch it this evening.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/12/2004 13:22 #35609
So you don't feel so upset09/11/2004 18:46 #35608
whoaboy09/10/2004 11:15 #35607
Weekend almost hereI just finished training at work and will begin actually using my new skills today. I am not very confident in these skills, but my job is primarily bullshit, which I am very good at. We shall see. This weekend need to be wonderful. I am hoping to hop on someone's boat and go for a final last-call type swim. And there's Trisha's bachelorette which of course shall be blastastic.
Here are two websites I got from some magazine (either the Nation or Wired) about environmental issues. The first is the Environmental Working Group a Public Interest Watchdog which keeps an eye on environmental issues around the country.
There latest cover-story regards Dupont's settlement of upwards of $300 million for Teflon pollution of water supplies.
The second is this really neat site for the European Pollutant Emission Register.
You can click on a map of the entire EU (plus Norway and Hungary) or a list of pollutants and fine the amounts and locations of polluters. I tried it out and found all of the polluters (down to street address) for the city I lived in in Germary. It would be great to have one for the US. Anyone know if we do?
Here are two websites I got from some magazine (either the Nation or Wired) about environmental issues. The first is the Environmental Working Group a Public Interest Watchdog which keeps an eye on environmental issues around the country.

The second is this really neat site for the European Pollutant Emission Register.

09/09/2004 11:12 #35606
We knew it was coming...Russia has declared that it is ready to begin preemptive war against terrorists wherever they may be.
"We will take any action to eliminate terrorist bases in any region of the world. But this does not mean we will carry out nuclear strikes," said Russia's Chief of Staff General Yuri Baluyeveski. I guess that little clause about nuclear weapons should make us feel better. It was only a matter of time before the other countries followed our lead (and Putin said definitively that his decision was modeled after George Bush's war on terror), and it won't be surprising when China, Pakistan, and whoever else jumps on board the worldwide terror war. This should make us all a little more shaky. Bad enough that we can declare war on anyone anywhere, now the rest of the world is free to do so as well. Fun.

09/07/2004 21:24 #35605
bad bushie-boy, badFinally someone in this administration is officially being sanctioned for duping the country.
Ex-Medicare chief, Tom Scully, is being asked to repay 7 months of his $145,000 annual salary after he was found guilty of threatening to fire Medicare's top actuary, Rick Foster,if he gave congressional staff information about his cost estimates of the controversial legislation strongly backed by President Bush. His estimates ended up being $134 billion higher than the $400 billion 10-year price tag from the Congressional Budget Office. If only some of this blame (add to that failure to find WMDs, prison abuse, failure to find Osama...) could ever "trickle-up" to those really in control.