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05/29/2004 01:53 #35537
New Image Test05/29/2004 10:57 #35536
Disturbing coincidenceSo I've had these hives for over a week now, and am getting really annoyed. The symptoms are that I get itchy somewhere and if I scratch at all I get hives in the shape of the scratches, if I don't itch, nothing. I am somewhat prone to hives, if a cat or dog bites/scratches me or if I roll around in grass for an extended period I get hives, but his seemed a little extreme. So, I decide to look it u[ on the internet and find that my "condition" has a name: dermatographism. It sounds like tis could get annoying. They say that it can last for a week or two or for the rest of your life. Fun. There is no known cure unless the source of the irritation can be identified (which is usually very difficult) and histamine-blockers have a mild chance of preventing outbreaks if taken everyday. I guess I have to pray I have the week or two variety. They don't really have long term consequences or anything they are just annoying as fuck. Like I'm at work and scratch my face beofre I can stop myself and have an ugly red mark for an hour, I feel like a leper.
Anyways, the disturbing coincidence happened when I was looking up the disease and there was a picture of what it looked like:

Fucking bizzare right! Freaked me the hell out. Anyways, feel sorry for the leper and now when you see me with disgusting red blotches all over you know I don't have scabies or AIDS or something.
Anyways, the disturbing coincidence happened when I was looking up the disease and there was a picture of what it looked like:

Fucking bizzare right! Freaked me the hell out. Anyways, feel sorry for the leper and now when you see me with disgusting red blotches all over you know I don't have scabies or AIDS or something.
05/28/2004 10:41 #35535
Wow, thanks zackthoug my head wonders if it should be thanking you for the pounding it's experiencing now. :) Went to Presba, a bar I had heretofore not even heard of, which was cool and played extrememly cool music (we walked in and were greeted with Joga by Bjork). The pizza was yummy yummy yummy. The band at the Square was pretty neat rock and rolly, I didn't really get to see them, as is usually the case. Camping is today. I am very excited. I love to camp. First time in the new summer it has to be wonderful.
05/27/2004 11:02 #35534
Steve KurtzFirst-off, I don't know the guy at all. He is probably really swell and making some neat science-art. But, I have to say that I am not sure that just anyone should be able to play with strange bacterias (are claims of Anthrax true?). However well meaning the person is, they are not all benign substance; I wouldn't want my neighbor making art with explosives next door either. So, while I feel for him that he is going through some horribly scary shit, I can't say that he shouldn't have expected it. Of course, the scale of what happened is ridiculous. Cordoning an entire neighborhood off and carting away his dead wife's body was probably not necessary (though as Paul says, in some cases of public safety it is probably better that the Buffalo police not handle it and specialized teams be brought in). I also am pretty sure that he won't get anything like a fair trial and that he is probably suffering more than is necessary because of our draconian new terror laws, and that sucks.
05/27/2004 00:12 #35533
"paper of record" admits own flaws
The New York Times is often described as being our nation's paper of record, meaning that it is trusted above all others to deliver the news of the day. They have recently suffered many blows, the most covered being the Jason Blair "scandal". The truth is that Jason Blair was the least of their problems. In a self-accusatory article