I feel the need to post, but not the desire. Let's shorten things... Sunny sunny day. Shirt-off hikin' along the river sittin atop bald knoll hawks wheelin' above us hankypankaspank with husbands two oh the joy of matrimony dear over two hundred at the grocery store kitchen cleaning guest tomorrow and Bush is here on Tuesday. AAAHHH!
I have to return this book tomorrow, so here's the final quote from The Market Revolution:
On the Senate floor of the Polk administration (1844-48), discussing the annexation of Texas, Senator Benton "predicted it would regenerate the "Yellow Race"[Mexican] which he ranked far above the black brown and red races... 'but still, far below the White; and, like all the rest, must receive an impression from the superior race whenever they come in contact. It would seem that the White race alone received the divine command, to subdue and replenish the earth!...Civilization, or extinction, has been the fate of all people who have found themselves in the track of the advancing Whites.'"
I suppose we're working on "regenerating" the Iraqis now by allowing them to receive an "impression" from us benevolent "Whites". Don't they understand that in the "track of the advancing Whites" there is no choice except "civilization or extinction"? Learn some history Iraqis and get in line!
Terry's Journal
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04/19/2004 00:46 #35507
and Bush is here on Tuesday!!!04/15/2004 21:37 #35506
A Memoir of Insanity
Just finished reading The Eden Express by Mark Vonnegut (son of Kurt). Trisha and paulnotpaul read it and had rave reviews. It is, as the title says, a memoir of insanity. A trip through the mind and experiences of a young man learning about and struggling to cope with his progressively worse schizophrenia. It's a good book for a lot of reasons. It is as well written as any book on the subject could hope to be. Basically it tells the story of Mark as he leaves college and rather than 'enter the world' takes off with friends to start something 'new' and 'radical' in the wilds of British Columbia. Right off the bat this appealed to me, so many of my own fantasies that somehow were made real. Of course, the book doesn't stay so great. Mark starts experiencing more and more episodes until he reaches the point where his friends admit him into an institution. Well, I don't know how to analyze it really, I'm gonna stop now. If you wanna learn a little bit about mental illness from someone who knows, take a read. It's well worth it though. It will make you slightly crazier though I think, at least it did for me.
This is a great quote from the book. Not much to do with psychosis, but very good: "We were nuns milling about in between two opposing armies, keeping both sides from seeing each other except through our eyes." That is maybe a good thing to be. Very hard though I suppose, but perhaps rewarding, or maybe you just go crazy.
04/15/2004 10:55 #35505
StevensonHere's another Stickboy [inlink]stickboy&id=42,[/inlink]
It is better to travel hopefully than it is to arrive. - R. L. Stevenson
This is the opening quote to the first chapter of The Eden Express->see above
It is better to travel hopefully than it is to arrive. - R. L. Stevenson
This is the opening quote to the first chapter of The Eden Express->see above
04/14/2004 11:04 #35504
Planting WMDWho doesn't secretly suspect it? Thst Bushiecrew is gonna find weapons one way or another in Iraq. Whether they're our weapons imported or their weapons hidden very very well. So maybe it's a conspiracy theory and all but take a look
"BASRA -– Fifty days after the first reports that the U.S. forces were unloading weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in southern Iraq, new reports about the movement of these weapons have been disclosed.
Sources in Iraq speculate that occupation forces are using the recent unrest in Iraq to divert attention from their surreptitious shipments of WMD into the country.
An Iraqi source close to the Basra Governor’s Office told the MNA that new information shows that a large part of the WMD, which was secretly brought to southern and western Iraq over the past month, are in containers falsely labeled as containers of the Maeresk shipping company and some consignments bearing the labels of organizations such as the Red Cross or the USAID in order to disguise them as relief shipments."

"BASRA -– Fifty days after the first reports that the U.S. forces were unloading weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in southern Iraq, new reports about the movement of these weapons have been disclosed.
Sources in Iraq speculate that occupation forces are using the recent unrest in Iraq to divert attention from their surreptitious shipments of WMD into the country.
An Iraqi source close to the Basra Governor’s Office told the MNA that new information shows that a large part of the WMD, which was secretly brought to southern and western Iraq over the past month, are in containers falsely labeled as containers of the Maeresk shipping company and some consignments bearing the labels of organizations such as the Red Cross or the USAID in order to disguise them as relief shipments."
04/14/2004 00:19 #35503
More happiness for corporationsA little added fun: . A report from Syracuse University
. states that the IRS has audited fewer and fewer corporations as oppossed to more and more individuals over the past ten years. So they pay less tax [inlink]terry,182[/inlink] and have less a chance of being questioned than people. It's craziness. Ummm...I wanna talk about Bush and his speech too...but, there's just so much to say, and so little time to say it in. I wanna try to pick the top five or so blunders (out of maybe 500, man, he was soooo bad). I really can't believe he is really our president. Truly amazing. No pretension at intelligence whatsoever. None. Blows me away. Like I said, maybe later....