Is it so wrong. I didn't feel all that well yesterday, a little headache, a sore throat, annoyed from answering dumb questions at my job. So I went to bed. Straight home and under the covers. I am still a little drowsy, it's before coffee-time. I will fix that soon enough. Somehow I have become a little depressed again, and this is after months of pretty jovial (for me at least) spirits. I blame Holly a little. Well not really Holly, but the reminders of reality she force-fed me. I do agree on a larger scale with what she says, that Kerry is better than Bush, blah, blah, blah, blah. But somehow this revelation has not made me sick for joy about our democracy. Instead of making me want to vote it makes me want to move. I guess I am unpatriotic. I have no respect for this country. In fact I have little respect for any countries (in fact I believe they are all ridiculous constructions of attempted human mastery over a world that bears no intrinsic borders). So I've become a little depressed. I need some sorta change. Which I always yearn for when I'm depressed. Possib;y I just need to change me instead of my environment, but it's so refreshing to be somewhere else. New places and faces. Especially when it's a different country. Then the people are different enough that it takes very long to get to the point where you understand enough to even consider yourself a part. Then of course I might get depressed again, but at least I would have a year of fun learning and realizations. Anyways, if you see me and I'm grouchy, now you know why. I'm sorry, I'm working on it. Give me a little time and I'm sure I'll get over it, I always do.
-sidenote: Don't trust the new free google email (gmail). They have a new-fangled adbot that delivers personal mail directly to your inbox.

"The Google contextual advertising system automatically scans for frequently used terms in order to serve up ads. This constitutes a neat technology fix for Internet advertisers, who are always seeking to find ways to make their spots more convincing to Web surfers. For instance, if you e-mail a friend to play tennis this weekend, the system would lock onto the keyword and send you a relevant advertisement from a tennis gear supplier." Whoopie!