I was talking to Mike Niman at the coop house party, and among us fating the world's doom and the return of facism he mentioned this cool site.

It's the prelinger archive compiled from various sources. I don't know entirely what it's about but so far I've seen lots of things from the 50's. Commercials and school education videos. The famous Duck and Cover

with the ducking turtle advising everyone to constantly be vigil because you don't know when you'll see that flash, and boy won't you be glad you noticed that ditch to shelter in. Nice succint propaganda. The Are You Popular

is very nice too, teaches boys and girls how to make people like them. For example if a boy's taking you out you can "pay him back" by letting him come over later to have some fresh baked brownies. There's a nice Sex Ed one called As Boys Grow

which features the "coach" talking to the boys in the gym room. Notable utterances include, "let's talk about these nocturnal emissions," and "rythmyc movements, a pumping back and forth, cause ejaculation." They actually talk about masturbation being okay which surprised me for the 50's. God, this one's great too

seems like Bushmerica to a tee, hee-hee! Oh man, one more, this one's just great too

. "One never knows when the Homosexual is about, he may appear normal, and it may be too late when you discover that he is mentally ill." I'll add the link to my sidebar too. There's thousands of videos, surely hours worth of fun. Take care and keep and eye out for bright flashes.