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Southernyankee's Journal

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08/30/2005 22:13 #34596

middle name:

08/28/2005 06:43 #34595

Today is your Birthday...
They're smoking cigars...

Best Birthday Happy Day Wishes Bro!!!I Miss you LOTS!!![bgcolor]#6c0000[/bgcolor]

08/27/2005 12:23 #34594

take me out to the ball game
So I am headed out to watch the Oakland A's play against Baltimore Orioles.
First time @ Camden Yards. Hear it's loverly! Should be great - including the wet acid that falls from above...Should be fun. better be!


08/27/2005 04:27 #34593

summer scurrying away...


dcoffee - 08/27/05 15:27
great picture, where is that?

08/20/2005 10:40 #34592

history reviewed
Category: friends
sometimes it's fun to read the historical accounts of life on the strip...
For example, in one of my own post, I read about hanging out @ the Bidwell Summer Concert Series. It made me laugh because the year before that I was @ the concert with a bottle of wine , a few estrippers, and no bottle operner or glasses! This was when I met (e:lilho)! We shared a laugh- The fun times didn't stop there.

Hope you remember all the good times too (e:lilho) ;)