so what else I have I been up to beside being ill...
I went to the Tidal Basin to see the CHERRY Blossoms last week.
(These are more pleasant pictures)
Wash Monument peering through the blossoms
me auntie and favorite hat underneath cherry blossom canopy
Oh and I went to the zoo and saw the panda bears
A Southern Magnolia for a Southern Belle[bgcolor]#ff7ac1[/bgcolor]
04/12/2005 19:37 #34541
not for the faint of heart...
a bus, heavy rush hour traffic, two trains, a train platform and a cab home today - vomitting all the way. how disgusting. the train system here is so clean that they do not allow food or beverages inside and therefore they do not house trash receptacles on the platforms. But what about the bulimics of the world??? (I am not in this category but feel the need to advocate for them)
So anyway, with no where to turn and I could not speak, I could only hand gesture, I began puking right on the platform. Not too many people were concerned. One lady tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I were alright. All I could do was nod. The nod just meant I could hear her but I could not see her. She asked if I were ill from something I ate. Another nod. Then I could overhear her talking with another woman as they discussed how each of them experienced a similar occurrence just this week. Hey, it's only Tuesday but whatever. Last thing I heard from them was "She ain't gone make it"
I had to endure the remaining two hour commute. There was no one to call or go but home. I stumbled into the train and found a corner back seat where I lay sprawled yet somewhat bent over. Apparently someone else who witness the platform spew came to tapped me on the should and inquire if I were alive. Another nod from me.
Thank goodness I had my favorite hat in my knapsack. I hurled the remaining 60 minutes home into the hat and no one else made a peep. Some chick even sat next to me and ignored me - she kinda pushed me over to fit in the seat. I was thinking "hey I got these seats here. I am vomitting here, give me some space" Yet I could not utter a sound other than "ugh" while I shook like crazy.
My poor hat. & the poor cabbie who charged me $2.50 extra. He tried to have a conversation with me while I continued throwing up in the cab. I said I don't feel well GO GO GO~~~
I don't think he liked the idea of someone regurgitating in his work vehicle. oh well, shit happens.
In the words that we exchanged, he informed me that he had been in the hospital all morning taking test to determine if he had lung cancer. I was able to mumble a response like "Are you a smoker, or previous smoker?"
He said yes. Then we began a thought provoking conversation about death and how life is like a train without an unknown destination - while I am hurling in the back seat!
The conversation still resonates in my head, as now I am feeling a little better than the last 6 hours and yet a stranger that I crossed paths with today waits for a possible death notification and another friend also waits for a life changing prognosis.
So I figure those other people sitting next to me must have been dealing with similar issues. all is well now.
my favorite hat. became my saving grace. well there wasn't much grace left for saving as my pants were soaked and it looked like I wet myself. how humbling.[bgcolor]#7d4208[/bgcolor]