The Fashion Centre at Pentagon City (Mall) is WiFi enabled.
Just FYI/In case you got lost on one of the 4 levels.
so all that mall, and I walk out with no chocolate shoes that I so eagerly sought! phooey!!!
Although, the new estrip color scheme may assist me in what I will wear tomorrow.
Thanks (e:Paul)! Keeping us one foot ahead in cyberspace & on the fashion scene!!!
(I think using the term "cyberspace" just dated me...)
Southernyankee's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/17/2005 00:41 #34526
wifi in the city03/14/2005 22:01 #34525
celebration time come on...I don't know how I could join in on the celebration of this holiday...
I don't keep meat in my freezer.
I don't keep meat in my freezer.
03/14/2005 20:36 #34524
get a little closer[inlink]robin,344[/inlink]I love that song "CLoser" I even have an acoustic version by an unmentionable group! I secretly play it while at work for some reason...
03/13/2005 22:19 #34523
who am i? C is for Clever H is for Hot A is for Amorous M is for Musical
I is for Important L is for Lucky L is for Likeable E is for Ebullient

(but I guess I could have come up with the same thing or similar)
It also said that I would die at 70
. I hope I don't worry the way I do now for the next 40 years. That's kind of sad when put in writing; If we really knew what age we would die at, how would we really change the way we lived? and for what reason? we would probably continue to convince ourselves that there was more time... Perhaps we would be more carefree in the time being. I think being stress free would add years of youth to my current life. So if this were true that I would die come my 70th birthday, I guess I would have just enough time to retire from a bs job and take a short vacation;Besides I would also know around about how much money I would need to save vs. a random amt for and undetermined time frame.
why do I over analyze trivial things...
I is for Important L is for Lucky L is for Likeable E is for Ebullient

(but I guess I could have come up with the same thing or similar)
It also said that I would die at 70

why do I over analyze trivial things...
03/09/2005 23:00 #34522
feel your paintoo tired to post. tired of people who play games. people that are friends visiting from out of town are fun!!! town transportation allows riders who have larvae unsuspectingly crawling on their back!!! groveling for sex to win a bet is unbecoming of anyone!