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06/15/2006 21:55 #34311

Buffalo Zoo Gate Sculptures
Category: zoo
OK, who in (e:strip) land knows about the Buffalo Zoo gate sculptures? I know others are familiar with the sculptures; at each of the old gates of the Buffalo Zoo there are these cool sculptures of different animals. The sculptures are pretty cool, and mostly intact. We've always wondered about them, so Sarah decided to take some photos (she's still playing with the Lensbaby a lot ). She posted up a bunch on her site. Check them out here:


I mean, c'mon, how tough is that sculpture? What is that, some kind of mountain lion? Couger?

What do you know about these sculptures?

06/07/2006 11:49 #34310

Bot Contest
I saw this bot contest online and I thought I'd post it up here for anyone toying with chatterbots on (E:strip). Or interested in doing such a thing...

Robots or "BOTs", are software programs that you can add to MSN® Messenger and Windows Live™ Messenger. If you add a robot to your contact list, it can chat, give you customer service support, perform searches, make suggestions, play games and more.

We're looking for the best new robot ideas for Messenger. And $40,000 in fantastic prizes go to the top BOTs!

I might try to work something up later this summer if I get out from under my pile of stuff I need to take care of...

And I did receive my Jesus Pans, like two days after I ordered them. I sent a phonecam pic to the 'Strip, but I think my messages are still being flagged as Spam. Damn anti-spam tools... I'm sure (e:Paul) will eventually rescue it.

06/04/2006 22:22 #34309

Buffalo Restaurant Review
I made a site using Ning. It's a Buffalo Restaurant Reviews site . Rappaport's site is good, but clunky. And I don't know of another site that allows user-reviews. So here is one with user-reviews and Google mapping built in. I have only added one restaurant so far, but feel free to sign up and pitch in!

I am so blown away by Ning. You can use it to make so many different kinds of site. It's the ultimate modular site and the ultimate Web 2.0 website. haha Really amazing stuff. Check it out. And review some restaurants. All the Natalie's fans on the site say "YEAH."
zobar - 06/05/06 12:35
Very neat - I never expected that anyone could do for dynamic web applications what blogging did for static web publishing. Guess I should polish up my resume. (-:

And when Paul and I finally get user feedback running on the paper's website, you can boast that you beat us to it.

- Z
shawnr - 06/05/06 10:28
Yeah, I mostly wanted to try Ning. If people come, cool, if not, it can sit there. haha But I do think Rappaport needs to get into the 21st Century with his thing...
paul - 06/05/06 10:24
I checked out that ning site a couple weeks ago when reading up on the Zend Framework. Apparently, they built it based on that new framework.

Good luck, with a restaurant review site, I tried it two years ago :::link::: and at first I got no ressponse followed by, restaurants posting negative reviews about each other with things like, "So and so's food sucks, you should try our certain thing - it's way better." I promptly removed it from estrip. My push was for mobile suers and I don't think Buffalo was ready for that yet.

06/02/2006 12:03 #34308

Jesus Pan
Wow, Two posts in one day, what a deal!

I want this. I want two.


theecarey - 06/03/06 01:33

what would jesus do.. for a grilled cheese sandwhich?

heh, I need one of these pans.

06/02/2006 10:43 #34307

Poultrygeist at Cannes
Watching TV today, I saw Lloyd Kauffman and the Troma crew at Cannes promoting Poultrygeist. For those new to the 'Strip, my wife and I were extras in the protesting crowd scene, and we got to do a song-and-dance number, too. It was a lot of fun. I wish Troma made a movie in Buffalo every summer -- it was like a day camp for freaky adults.

The trailer is up on the movie's My Space site:

When the American Chicken Bunker, a military-themed fried-chicken chain, builds a restaurant on the site of an ancient Indian burial ground, local protestors aren't the only ones crying fowl! The previous tenants, fueled by a supernatural force, take possession of the food and those who eat it, and the survivors discover that they must band together before they themselves become the other white meat!

Film lovers have been starved for sustenance. The relentless diet of predictability and pretense Hollywood has been serving up just doesn't cut it. Poultrygeist is hearty food for thought. In Poultrygeist, Troma takes on the the fast-food industry-skewering the soulless restaurateurs-in the worlds first horror-comedy film to feature zombie chickens, American Indians and a bit of singing and dancing!

Its Poultrygeist! In theaters this fall!

Check out the trailer:
theecarey - 06/02/06 18:01
awesome. I am cracking up already; I must see it!
libertad - 06/02/06 10:53
Sounds like my kind of flick.