Me, Courtney and Kiah

Courtney and her boy

Courtney and her boy on Daddy's bush hog

little miss Kiah fixing her own ice cream because she is a big girl about to start school so she can do it herself.

So France is in my Buffalo apartment and I'll be flying to Germany on Monday. I've been fixing my car up for Mawmaw. I have 6 books to read and some of them are huge. One is a linguistic history of the world.
I asked Kiah to draw a picture of us holding hands but she says she keeps messing up. I'm ready to go. I need to pack my shit. I'm ready for a change, being at home seeing my childhood friends is nice but there are some things you just can't go back to because they'll never be the same. Kiah is still working on the drawing. If she'll get it done I'll scan it and post it. I walked down the trail to my brother's hose a little while ago. little Lea is such a sweetie, whenI don't scare her anyway.
Here is Kiah's drawing of us. I think she's good.

have a safe and fun trip!!! those pics are soo cute. nice drawing :) keep inspiring her creativity!!!
dearest wifey,
guten tag and always remember ich leibe dich. have loads of fun and may the good lord be with you
Send me postcards from heaven, i mean germany! Have great time. Go to the Turkish restaurants for me and eat whatever they have!!! mmm. bring me some.