I'm a little obsessed with this Ben Hoff book but I promise this is the last excerpt I'll post. I just feel like this excerpt is especially relevant to the events which have ensued since 9/11. Oddly enough this book was published in 1992.
The Te of Piglet
Things As They Are
The overwhelming tendency in unobservant industrial society, however, is to ignore small problems until they become enormousand then panic.
"Call out the troops! Mad Tyrant Number Twelve is taking over the world! We've got to stop him-even if we have to kill half a million people doing it! Oh, it's simply awful Well, let's see. . .
Who sold him his weaponry ? We did. Who trained his military forces in the use of it? We did. Who supplied the materials he wanted? We did. Who supported his vicious dictatorship for years because he persecuted our "enemies"? We did. And who ignored his unstable personality, his destruction of anyone who opposed him, and his repeated threats against world order for all that time ? We did. So there you are.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/06/2004 13:55 #33356
This lil piggy had roast beef06/06/2004 13:25 #33354
I'll be there, will you?PRESS RELEASE
Contact: organize@caedefensefund.org
The committee to organize CAE Defense is calling for a peaceful
demonstration of support outside the Grand Jury hearings on the case of
Steve Kurtz (CAE), beginning on June 15th.
WHERE: County Court House, 138 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY.
WHEN: 9 AM, June 15, 2004
Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) is a collective of internationally recognized
artists who work in public, educational, academic and art contexts. Most
recently their work has been directed towards providing the general public
with awareness and understanding about biological research. The aim of their
work is not alarmist or sensational. Through participatory performance
experiences CAE provides information and knowledge. It brings people into
contact with the reality of scientific research often not accessible to the
general public. The work is always undertaken in a safe and considered way,
using materials commonly available in scientific education and research
The FBI in its efforts to protect the public is now overreaching its mandate
by using an overwhelming amount of pressure against a group of artists
making their work for the peaceful purpose of vital public discussions.
Artists like CAE stimulate public debate necessary to a healthy democracy.
Our constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech and our
government is charged with securing that right. The job of democracy is to
protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. In the United States
we are not governed by mob rule, nor should government exploit its
responsibilities to the public by persecuting innocent people. We too, as
citizens must stand up now to affirm our rights and defend our liberty.
This is a peaceful demonstration. Please bring signs and banners. Check the
website for PDF's and examples of signs and slogans you can print out.
A Word About Demonstrations.
As with all demonstrations it is advisable to bring personal identification
(driver's license, passports, student id's, proof of address, etc.) Let
someone know where you are going to be. Stick with a buddy.
Burr, founding members of CAE, as well as Beatriz da Costa and Paul Vanouse,
artists who have collaborated with CAE, as well as several other people,
have been served with subpoenas to appear before the federal Grand Jury that
will consider bioterrorism charges against University professor Steve Kurtz
whose art involves the use of simple biology equipment. The subpoenas are
the latest installment in a bizarre investigation in which members of the
Joint Terrorism Task Force have mistaken an art project for a biological
weapons laboratory (see first press release on www.caedefensefund.org).
The artists involved are at a loss to explain the increasingly bizarre case
that shows how vulnerable the PATRIOT Act and other post-9/11 "security"
measures have made freedom of speech in this country.
According to the subpoenas, the FBI is seeking charges under Section 175 of
the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which has been
expanded by the USA PATRIOT Act to prohibit the possession of "any
biological agent, toxin, or delivery system" without the justification of
"prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose."
for the 1989 law and
for its USA P
Act expansion.)
Contact: organize@caedefensefund.org
The committee to organize CAE Defense is calling for a peaceful
demonstration of support outside the Grand Jury hearings on the case of
Steve Kurtz (CAE), beginning on June 15th.
WHERE: County Court House, 138 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY.
WHEN: 9 AM, June 15, 2004
Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) is a collective of internationally recognized
artists who work in public, educational, academic and art contexts. Most
recently their work has been directed towards providing the general public
with awareness and understanding about biological research. The aim of their
work is not alarmist or sensational. Through participatory performance
experiences CAE provides information and knowledge. It brings people into
contact with the reality of scientific research often not accessible to the
general public. The work is always undertaken in a safe and considered way,
using materials commonly available in scientific education and research
The FBI in its efforts to protect the public is now overreaching its mandate
by using an overwhelming amount of pressure against a group of artists
making their work for the peaceful purpose of vital public discussions.
Artists like CAE stimulate public debate necessary to a healthy democracy.
Our constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech and our
government is charged with securing that right. The job of democracy is to
protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. In the United States
we are not governed by mob rule, nor should government exploit its
responsibilities to the public by persecuting innocent people. We too, as
citizens must stand up now to affirm our rights and defend our liberty.
This is a peaceful demonstration. Please bring signs and banners. Check the
website for PDF's and examples of signs and slogans you can print out.
A Word About Demonstrations.
As with all demonstrations it is advisable to bring personal identification
(driver's license, passports, student id's, proof of address, etc.) Let
someone know where you are going to be. Stick with a buddy.
Burr, founding members of CAE, as well as Beatriz da Costa and Paul Vanouse,
artists who have collaborated with CAE, as well as several other people,
have been served with subpoenas to appear before the federal Grand Jury that
will consider bioterrorism charges against University professor Steve Kurtz
whose art involves the use of simple biology equipment. The subpoenas are
the latest installment in a bizarre investigation in which members of the
Joint Terrorism Task Force have mistaken an art project for a biological
weapons laboratory (see first press release on www.caedefensefund.org).
The artists involved are at a loss to explain the increasingly bizarre case
that shows how vulnerable the PATRIOT Act and other post-9/11 "security"
measures have made freedom of speech in this country.
According to the subpoenas, the FBI is seeking charges under Section 175 of
the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which has been
expanded by the USA PATRIOT Act to prohibit the possession of "any
biological agent, toxin, or delivery system" without the justification of
"prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose."

Act expansion.)
06/06/2004 11:43 #33353
New Word AttemptMan - Woman - San
Men - Women - Sen
He - She - Le
His- Hers - Lov
Him - Her - Loh
When san first came to be le was totally pissed off because le was in darkness. Le had no eyes. Le found lov inability to see to be most disturbing so le felt around until le found two circular objects then for some reason le jammed them into lov head and low and behold, le could see.
This pleased loh very much and le decided to tell lov friend the cactus about it but le found that although le had a strange vibration in lov throat le had trouble talking so le thought that if le made an abrasion in lov head perhaps the sound could escape better. The san looked around until le found a sharp instrument and le jammed it into lov face making a large hole that became lov mouth. Then le laughed out loud at lov own cleverness.
Once the san had a mouth le realized that lov friend the cactus was most happy to give loh lov milk. The milk went into the san's sound hole. The cactus said "San perhaps you would enjoy this milk more if you had some sort of sensation that gave flavor to the milk." The san agreed heartily with the cactus and took a small stick and poked two symmetrical into lov head to form nostrils.
Le was most pleased with all these things so le gathered around the other Sen and gave them all the same bodily alterations that le had just given to lohself. All the people enjoyed there new abilities quite a bit and got to laughing and grunting at each other. They drank milk until there bellies were round and full but then they realized that there bellies were so full they could hold no more milk even though they still had the desire for the taste of it.
The first san being the industrious and thoughtful being that le was decided that the best solution to this problem would be to make another orifice in their bodies below the stomach to allow the milk to flow free. Le first poked a hole for lohself and then le gave everyone else one and they worked fantastically. Now all the people could drink as much cactus milk as they wanted and eventually it would just leak back out.
Men - Women - Sen
He - She - Le
His- Hers - Lov
Him - Her - Loh
When san first came to be le was totally pissed off because le was in darkness. Le had no eyes. Le found lov inability to see to be most disturbing so le felt around until le found two circular objects then for some reason le jammed them into lov head and low and behold, le could see.
This pleased loh very much and le decided to tell lov friend the cactus about it but le found that although le had a strange vibration in lov throat le had trouble talking so le thought that if le made an abrasion in lov head perhaps the sound could escape better. The san looked around until le found a sharp instrument and le jammed it into lov face making a large hole that became lov mouth. Then le laughed out loud at lov own cleverness.
Once the san had a mouth le realized that lov friend the cactus was most happy to give loh lov milk. The milk went into the san's sound hole. The cactus said "San perhaps you would enjoy this milk more if you had some sort of sensation that gave flavor to the milk." The san agreed heartily with the cactus and took a small stick and poked two symmetrical into lov head to form nostrils.
Le was most pleased with all these things so le gathered around the other Sen and gave them all the same bodily alterations that le had just given to lohself. All the people enjoyed there new abilities quite a bit and got to laughing and grunting at each other. They drank milk until there bellies were round and full but then they realized that there bellies were so full they could hold no more milk even though they still had the desire for the taste of it.
The first san being the industrious and thoughtful being that le was decided that the best solution to this problem would be to make another orifice in their bodies below the stomach to allow the milk to flow free. Le first poked a hole for lohself and then le gave everyone else one and they worked fantastically. Now all the people could drink as much cactus milk as they wanted and eventually it would just leak back out.
06/06/2004 11:42 #33352
betterThe Te of Piglet by Hoff
Things as They Might Be
In our part of the world, this unobservant tendency is displayed in the most depressing manner whenever there's an Election. For nearly thirty years now, the nation that was once the Light of the Free World has been electing to the highest office in the land a succession of Nightmare Clowns who lead us deeper and deeper into darkness as they encourage massive greed and corruption, run up multibilliondollar debts for future generations to pay, turn the economy into jelly, refuse to take action necessary to save what's left of the natural. world ("More studies are needed"), and threaten to blow up the planet because some country somewhere isn't doing what they think it ought to quickly enough all the while making remarks on the intelligence level of "If you've seen one redwood tree, you've seen them all."
Things as They Might Be
In our part of the world, this unobservant tendency is displayed in the most depressing manner whenever there's an Election. For nearly thirty years now, the nation that was once the Light of the Free World has been electing to the highest office in the land a succession of Nightmare Clowns who lead us deeper and deeper into darkness as they encourage massive greed and corruption, run up multibilliondollar debts for future generations to pay, turn the economy into jelly, refuse to take action necessary to save what's left of the natural. world ("More studies are needed"), and threaten to blow up the planet because some country somewhere isn't doing what they think it ought to quickly enough all the while making remarks on the intelligence level of "If you've seen one redwood tree, you've seen them all."