The food was really fabulous but it is quite expensive. The bill came to around $360 for 6 people. I mean we went all out, I think you could eat a lot cheaper there. We had fancy wine, appetizers, and entrees plus drinks. (e:holly) had crab cakes with lobster tail, I have to say it looked absolutely delicious. I had linguine with clam sauce and fried calamaris.
My phone decided to jump out of my pocket last night on Hertel Avenue as I ran down the street in the rain. My shoe had come untied and it was raining, so after I got it tied I ran to catch up with everyone else.
The phone sat in a puddle completely covered for a few seconds before I realized. Luckily, the battery had flown out when it hit the ground so there were no short circuits. I let the waterlogged phone dry out in my bone dry gas heated house and today it work fine. Unfortunately, I lost my last stylus.
I was really quite nervous. because although I have insurance on the phone, I am leaving for San Francisco on Monday and there is no way I would be able to get a replacement before then.
The thought of having no phone in a 'foreign, place freaked me the hell out. How did I live before the phone? How did anyone meet up or get anything done. How did I even manage to grocery shop without access to google.
One of the servers at work got hacked the other day. Who hacks a cancer treatment center?

I clicked your "full overview with examples" link in (e:paul,4695) and noticed the URL looked like it would be behind a firewall. Sure enough, I backed up to the first part of the url and got that screen. I promise I wasn't trying to sabatoge your war against cancer!
p.s. - glad your phone is ok!