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10/20/2005 20:59 #32294

3D Play Toy
Category: students
I found this link to something one of my intro students made a couple semesters ago. It is not very sophisticated or high tech as she was just a beginner and it was only a weekly homework assignment. In fact, it reflects no level of critical art making but it satifies some part of my brain liek crack. I must be something about the melody. Definately seems like something from a comic book story where the super villian takes over the world by playing some sort of tv mind control show. It probably makes the same noise as a toy from when I was a kid. Visit the page and you can change its hat color using the slider or click on it's hat to make it play music and animate.

joshua - 10/21/05 01:11
For once I'm at a loss for words.

10/20/2005 19:07 #32293

Walking to Work
Category: walking
Seeing as I car share with (e:terry) I rarely have the car. He takes it most days (pronounced everyday) and picks me up at night. Since we have known each other he has taken the public transportation to work maybe 3 times. Not to say that I take it everyday, but I do a hell of a lot more than he has. He says its because his work is in cheektowaga. I suppose that is reasonable but to get to UB north campus I need to take the subway to the bus to campus and then walk a half a mile to the CFA. Going to Canisius isn't so bad but the subway takes longer than walking and is scary. Waling takes about 30 minutes.

The real champion here is (e:Matthew) who has walked to a from work everyday since I have known him for four years. Be it at 7am or midnight, he walks just about everywhere all the time.


But the real point of my story is that I walked to work twice this week and it wasn't so bad considering it is not too cold out yet. I do hate walking from West Delevan and Linwood to Main street and over to Lyons Hall. I wouldn't do it at night but honestly, the whole thing feels much safer than the subway stop near my house. I am so scared of that corner and the subway. People are either super mean, on drugs, or overly friendly to the point it scares me. Like the one time when some random wasted dude put his arm around my neck to tell me I was his buddy and we should have a beer together sometime. I thought he was going to kill me. I kin dof wiggled my way out and then he asked for my address. I lied and ran away. I think they find me because I am always carrying change from the candy automat at school. I don't do that anymore.


I cna;t tell you how many people I have helped get that $.50 they need to take the bus because their girlfriend abandoned them bit. Or the woman who need to go see her baby over somewhere far away but just needs some gas money, etc. Taking the subway actually cost about triple the amount of a fare for me. I guess I could just run all the time, but then I feel like an even bigger jerk.


Anyhow, I am so done with the subway for now and I started walking. I doubt I will like this in the middle of the winter. I like walking through the cemetery because it is quiet and a pretty. A little out of the wat and a little weird that it is full of dead people but at least dead people won't steal my stuff or talk to me about tap dancing (another run in on main street.)

What was the Verizon truck doing there, in the middle of nowhere - someone taking a break from work?

Some doctor did not need this anymore because I found it on the corner of Delaware and west delevan in the rut on the side of the road.


10/20/2005 03:23 #32292

Remember Buffalo Map Beta
Category: rememberbuffalo
I have completed a beta system for entering in memories for The Remember Buffalo Project . Click on submit memory beta once you are at the site. It is a link at the top of the page. I will be adding a lot of new features in the next couple weeks. If you add a memory to the beta site, make it a real memory or delete it when you are done.


To add memories, click on the map and then fill out the form on the left. A memory marker will remain there with the information for future visitors. You can simply type links like on estrip in the memories and they will turn into link icons.

To delete memories. You can only delete memories created on your computer. I am going to make it so you can only delete memories submitted from your computer within five minutes. Right now there is no time limit as this is a beta and I anticipate people deleting a lot.

The map is simply google maps, so use it as you woud use google maps.

paul - 10/17/06 18:25
I loved this project. It had such potential. Maybe I should just retire early and become an artist.

10/18/2005 23:18 #32291

Amy's Soy Cheese and Macaroni
Category: food
Has anyone ever tried Amy's Soy Cheese and Macaroni. I accidentally bought it when trying to buy Amy's Organic Rice Macaroni and Real Cheese for (e:matthew). Unfortuneatly, I bought six boxes. They all kind of taste like glue mixed with mustard.


Why the killer gates at the cemetary? Is it to stop grave robber?


matthew - 10/18/05 23:38
I've heard it's because people are just DYING to get in!!

10/18/2005 15:34 #32290

Nature's Stylus
Category: mobile
Instead of being dependent on the oh so fogetable and expensive proprietary stylus for my nokia pda phone, I have decided to grow out each of my index finger nails. It makes typoing with the touchscreen s snap even if it look really strange. (e:hodown) told me it was gross and then proceeded to try and bite it off like a rabid dog. Someone else told me that some gang does something like this. Maybe I should start my own smart phone gang.


On another note George Johnson form buffalo Rising wrote me the best recommendation letter. It was really nice of him. We are supposed to meet tomorrow to discuss some sort of AJAX RSS calendar. Sounds like fun stuff.