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05/28/2005 16:57 #31992

Shopping at Wegmans
We always end up spening around $300 but I guess there are three of us and we only go once a month. I am going to make fried calamries.




05/27/2005 15:22 #31991

Czolgosz Shoots McKinley
Look up more about this.


05/27/2005 15:21 #31990

Blatent Racism
Has anything changed in 100 years

"God has not been preparing the english speaking and teutonic people for a thousand years for nothing.... No! He has made us the master organizers of the world. . . He has made us adept in government that we may administer government ... Amoung savage people. Quoted from Senator Albert J Beveridge, 1900

05/27/2005 15:09 #31989

Strange Exhibit

Frederick T Cummins is of interest to the public because he is the organizer and director of what the circus bill might call the "greatest agrregation of living native americans ever presented to the public."

So I guess Native American's arn't the included in the public?

05/27/2005 15:04 #31988

Pan American Exposition Museum
Come down to the Pan American Museum on Forest Avenue between Grant and Elmwood. It's free on Fridays between 3-8 PM and packed with information.
