Paul's Journal
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05/23/2005 22:53 #31981
Josephine Triangle ReductionsCategory: design
I spent the remaining part of the day working on Josephine's triangle reductions for her show. I got the models to be very low polygon. I hate 3D. Well, I enjoy doing it and I am pretty damn good at using the tools, the problem is I feel like such an empty loser, everytime I am done. It just has no relevance to anything. It is like entertainment pure.

05/23/2005 19:05 #31980
Nonna Throughout TimeI just can't believe she is dying right now. It seems so crazy, like I knew it would happen sometime. It just kills me that the last semester I didn't spend more time with her and that the last conversation I got to have with her was about me not getting the job. I thought school was so important last semester that I pretty much turned everything else off. What a stupid idiot I was, especially seeing as nothing paid off and now I don't get another chance at seeing my nonna.
In our last phonecall, last week all we talked about was Canisius and how she was so sad for me. I said I would see her when I got back from vacation but by the time I had the internet again she was gone.
Here she is as a baby

Nonna 1922

Nonna 1922

Nonna 1933

Nonno and Nonna on a bike before they came to america

Nonna 1950

Here she is arriving in America.

Our Family in the 80s

In our last phonecall, last week all we talked about was Canisius and how she was so sad for me. I said I would see her when I got back from vacation but by the time I had the internet again she was gone.
Here she is as a baby

Nonna 1922

Nonna 1922

Nonna 1933

Nonno and Nonna on a bike before they came to america

Nonna 1950

Here she is arriving in America.

Our Family in the 80s

05/23/2005 18:10 #31978
An era change is approachingI think I just started to realize today that everything is going to change right now. When Nonna dies I will no longer be little Paolo and it's time to get serious about my future. Like when do I start making the virtual Paul database so trhat I can preserve myself in digital format. I want to be able to exist in an iPod and to be shared on the internet.
05/23/2005 17:02 #31977
Waiting While Nonna is dyingI am sitting here. She keeps holding on but she doesn't move anymore.
It looks like I might the landlord of a house in Buffalo from Nonna. It will be interesting to be a landlord. Maybe I will enjoy it and buy a hundred houses as part of my consume Buffalo before it consumes me plan.
My mother just said that she wants me to be her health care proxy because my brother would keep her hooked to a machine in closet for eternity.

To pass the time I was reading about housing costs to pass the time and San Francisco doesn't have the largest rate of housing cost growth but it does have the highest housing costs in the entire county. There is no city even close.
The only city even remotely close was honalulu
2004q1 2005q1 (thousands)
Honalulu $420.0 $529.1 + 26.0%
Phoenix $155.8 $193.8 +24.4%
San francisco $600.5 $689.2 +14.8%
Buffalo $86.2 $93.9 +8.9%
It looks like I might the landlord of a house in Buffalo from Nonna. It will be interesting to be a landlord. Maybe I will enjoy it and buy a hundred houses as part of my consume Buffalo before it consumes me plan.
My mother just said that she wants me to be her health care proxy because my brother would keep her hooked to a machine in closet for eternity.

To pass the time I was reading about housing costs to pass the time and San Francisco doesn't have the largest rate of housing cost growth but it does have the highest housing costs in the entire county. There is no city even close.
The only city even remotely close was honalulu
2004q1 2005q1 (thousands)
Honalulu $420.0 $529.1 + 26.0%
Phoenix $155.8 $193.8 +24.4%
San francisco $600.5 $689.2 +14.8%
Buffalo $86.2 $93.9 +8.9%
god bless her
grandmothers are sooo lovely and we have not them now.
What a beautiful memorial to your Grandmother. I was extremely close to my grandparents. She would want you to remember the good times spent with her. Remind me sometime to tell you about Grama D.