It looks like I might the landlord of a house in Buffalo from Nonna. It will be interesting to be a landlord. Maybe I will enjoy it and buy a hundred houses as part of my consume Buffalo before it consumes me plan.
My mother just said that she wants me to be her health care proxy because my brother would keep her hooked to a machine in closet for eternity.

To pass the time I was reading about housing costs to pass the time and San Francisco doesn't have the largest rate of housing cost growth but it does have the highest housing costs in the entire county. There is no city even close.
The only city even remotely close was honalulu
2004q1 2005q1 (thousands)
Honalulu $420.0 $529.1 + 26.0%
Phoenix $155.8 $193.8 +24.4%
San francisco $600.5 $689.2 +14.8%
Buffalo $86.2 $93.9 +8.9%