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05/12/2005 21:23 #31941

Crop Circles?
What are these crop circles. I was flying around on google maps in order to figure out a way to avoid rain and found these crazy crop circles all over the place.


05/12/2005 20:11 #31940

The end of an era
Well It's all over. No more viscop@canisius. I feel very "rm -r -f" but sometimes a fresh start is nice. I was sad to say goodbye to the new server. I was so excited about teaching that class. I threw out all my old tutorials and work. At least I can look forward to vacation.






05/12/2005 16:43 #31939

Time to go give the last exam
I would have never gotten my degree at UB if it wasn't for Canisius prodding me on and now I owe an additional trillion dollars. It's not that I would not have pursued a higher degreee but I definately would have applied at other schools - that probably would have advanced me further. My previous academic record probably could have even gotten me a scholarship but I stuck it around and worked so hard at that job. What a waste of time and money my life has become.

Even Tony Blair looks confused about it.


05/12/2005 13:55 #31938

My Dad Called
It is nice to have parents that care. I am going to add this message so that I can always remember even if I don't live in Buffalo.


05/12/2005 12:35 #31937

Costs of Living
The internet pretty much runs most everything in my life but it is expensive and with my $500/month student loans and $300/month rent, credit card bills, and health costs, with no real insurance for the 7th year in a row - I definately need to consider my options. Especially, considering I don't really trust in anything now and tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I have really had to completely re-evaluate my life and what I have been doing for the last four years.

Internet Costs
Server for - $39.95 per month
Server for - $7.95 per month
Server for - $9.95 per month
Wireless Internet(sidekick) - $29.95 per month
Broadband Internet at Home - $59.95 per month
Total Internet Costs - $147.75 per month

I suppose I could just halt all of my experimental projects like the google maps based history engine, the GPS tracker, the grading system (80% done) and get a regular job at bank again like when I was 18. The grading system can definately go. I am thinking at this point I would rather work in some meaningless cubicle than invest my heart and soul in anything job related ever again. At least that way I could just do my job and hate it, then come home and do the work I care about.

I really have no idea how I am going to pull off everything. I guess is really the point where my parents idea of, saving money would have came in handy. That was really hard to do making $16,000/year for the last 4 years while paying for grad school. Why did I ever believe in that place. There were like 3 years when my job was going to go full-time and never did.

Maybe it's time for a whole new everything. I could just forget about the fact that I am highly trained in really useful stuff and become a dishwasher. I could at least write a book about it.