Went down to squeaky wheel tonight for a video presentation called
Friiends & Influences
Here was the bill for the evening.
[list] Pope Art - by Kerri Hopkins - 2:30
Awake - by Philip Lambert - 3:00
Half of This Video Does Not Exist - by Zilla Greene Something
Burt Damn - 15:00 by Steve Mieczikowsk
i Brief Intermission - Go But a beer
Kerri Tales: Vol 1 - 6:00 - Kerri Hopkins
Colors of Terror - 2:30 - Meg Knowles & Brian Milbrand
Worshipping Satan - 6:00 - by Kubiak Grading
Tips For Teachers - 10:00 by Tony Conrad
Captured 3:00 by Steve Mieczikowski HIV PSA - :30 by Kerri Hopkins [/list]
That Tony Conrad one is crazy. I keep seeing it and it makes me laugh everytime.