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08/04/2004 19:20 #31119

News Channel 4 and the Standoff
Not having a functioning televsion, I have not watched TV in a long time - years with the occasional at my parents or a bar moments. I get all of my local news from our local papers, word of mouth, and ths site. When I was first making the site, I thought we would be like a local newspaper, but that hasn't happpens quite yet. On a tangest that reminds me that I am thinking of adding our own police blotter than it much better than the real one, where we report crimes ourselves.

By depending on these sources it leaves me completely in the dark about the suburbs and county issues and I question if that's bad or if I am freeing myself up to think about other things instead who had a house file in Alden or what Amish people are doing in their rumspringa (must come from herumspringen). I figure if they are ever important enough, th einformation will trickle down to me through the many other mediums.

Well anyhow, while watching TV today with nonna [search]Nonna[/search] I noticed how the local news is totally sensationalist. Everything is super dramatic including their oh so frosted hair styles. I wonder if images of frosted hair will look the same as 80's one foot high bangs do, looking back now.

So the point, there was this story of what really looks like (e:matthew) standing on our roof at the 567 with the sign light on. I think we should pose a mock up photo of it tonight just to be funny. Even the blue hoody!


Here is the story: Just before 1:00 AM Wednesday morning, officers got a call about a domestic situation on Esser Avenue in Buffalo's Riverside Section.

For about two hours, neighbors watched as 32 year old Douglas Rogers paced the roof, smoked a cigarette and drank out of a coffee mug. But he also lashed out, and threw stuff at police and neighbors below.

Neighbor Debra Smith said, "He was throwing shingles off the roof and throwing bricks all over the place and hitting cop cars one after the other."

Cops confirm at least one police cruiser was hit with a brick or shingle. But officials say it wasn't until Rogers told police he had weapons, that officers called in other law enforcement teams.

Of course they made the whole thing out to be like police standoff with terrorists. At least that was the attitude you got from the sensationalist news version. I love how someone said "He was throwing shingles off the roof and throwing bricks all over the place and hitting cop cars one after the other." yet the police only confirmed one case of this.

He was for sure just an angry drunk guy, fighting with his wife and then felt cornered, so he climbed up on the house.

The tech side of it all. So I wanted to put a link to the video which became problematic as they have it all hidden in these really convoluted javascripts. I ended up sniffing the streaming packet as it come over to our computer. Then when I went to get it, I realzied I had found the entire news cast in high resolution includeing the commercials and everything in a nice 49MB package. Definately better than satellite reception. But my question is who watches this and why is it there and on akamai.

Here is a
to the whole show in streaming Windows Media Format, sorry mac users, I don't think you can see this one but it's not my fault, blame news channel 4

The story in question is somewhere around the middle of the newscast and you can fast forward I believe. I love when the newscaster says that is our big story i
n buffalo for the day even though a B
falo soldier was critcally wounded today in Iraq.

If anything it is nice to have a document of what is was like in Buffalo on Aug 3, 2004. I will add it to my digital scrapbook.

08/04/2004 03:23 #31118

Expedia's Description of Elmwood
I love expedia's description of elmwood.

[size=m]Elmwood Strip[/size]
This funky street overflows with possibilities: fine art, aromatherapy, piercings and pizza.

On another note, what happend to Steve Kurtz? [search]steve kurtz[/search] At one time it was the rage of the town, now I hear nothing.

08/03/2004 13:57 #31117

Mike, his Car and Gameboy
(e:mike) I feel bad about your post-separation anxiety with your car [inlink]mike,225[/inlink]. My only hope is that you find my gameboy advance in there before you junk it or something. I think I left it in there, complete with flash cartridge and Warioware, the other night when we went with (e:terry) and (e:matthew) to Gabriel's gate


Here is a link to there guestbook. I guess they really do have the best wings in Buffalo. I should have just ordered them while we were there. I wish I would just bust out the epeeps restaurant review section.

For those of you that do not know the warioware game for gba, (e:shawnr) suggested it to me and it is by the the best game for short attention spans on the go. I played until I beat it and I don't even really like video games. In the game you play a million 2 second games that have no real instructions.




You just try and figure each one out as you go and by the time you get it, its on to the next game.

08/03/2004 13:25 #31116

More thoughts on Advertsing
I contacted (e:sqb) about his thoughts on advertsing and he suggested that we contact the The West Side Times to see if they could review the site. So I wrote to them to see about it.

I really need to write a new site description. I agree with (e:liz) that the one on the flyer is a little to esoteric.

08/02/2004 22:57 #31115

Satan Performing Miracles
Here is a picture I drew of satan performing miracles. According to the ghetto preacher we were listening to on the radio as we returned from Zoar Valley, "satan often does this to trick people." The preacher also said that it is dangerous to go to college because they teach you to by an athiest. He said that is why the most "intelligent" people are really fools.


Luckily, I heard him yesterday and promptly dropped out of the MFA program at UB. God forgive me, for I am educated.