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Paul's Journal

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07/29/2004 21:36 #31104

Live at the Concert
Here weare at the concert, its crowded like no otherandthe bass is ravinescient. Even more than Pat Benetar was back when because the crowd is more multicultural. I miss partying, after programming it's my favorite p-ing verb. Here is (e:flacidness) being happy.

07/29/2004 20:07 #31103

This is my first flash entry
This is the first entry I have written using the new flash application. It should make evryone's life a lot easier. try publising one of your own journals from the example swf on the news journal [inlink]news,421[/inlink]. If you want you can even download the standalone application from that entry and start publishing journals really fast without even ever opening your browser.

I will be developing an entire applications interface for both mac and PC that will allow you to communicate, publish, read journals, check out the event calendar and do general epeep things. Right now though I have to go to Thursday in The Square with the epeeps who are getting angry at me for playing with my computer too much.

I hope you guys enjoy this.

07/28/2004 18:25 #31102

Office Visit
Imade it back to my office today to deal with some paperwork and got a chance to test the site on a macintosh. Seeing as I haven't looked at the site on a macintosh since May, I am amazed that it all seemed to work out. I even tested the radio, the a/vprofiler and the video chat with success.
If anyone notices mac porblems ever, feel free to sendme an email.

07/28/2004 14:36 #31101

Theives in e-ville
Theives beware, I can't guarantee I wont kill you by throwing a 40 bottle at your head from upstairs if I catch you.


It started when someone stole our trash can a couple weeks ago. I just let it go. I called the city who assurred me they would send a new one. A month or so later, I still have no trash can and it's getting really annoying.

Then last night, just after everyone left I heard someone by the outside door. I told (e:terry) who did nothing (good job being the strong one), and (e:matthew) and I (not the strong ones) decided to check it out. The door was locked so we gave up.

Then this morning, when Terry left for work, we discovered that some fuckhead had robbed a bunch the stuff from our car. All the stuff from the glove compartment was on the floor and seats.

This is only a week after some dude showed up in our kitchen asking for bottles. Whenever I see him now, I have to say I wonder if he really just wanted bottles.

The irony of this is that yesterday we were filming people at Bidwell park and one woman specifically said that she liked it here in e-ville because it was safe and you don't have to worry about your car, like you do in Philadelphia, where she was from.

I suppose the thieves probably feel the same way about us, as we feel about the rich people on the other side of the fence. But we are not rich, we just rent an apartment in big house.

By the way, when I was searching for a 40oz bottle to throw at the thieves head, I found this Black Bull beer found only in Canada. It is 10% alcohol by volume.


07/27/2004 23:39 #31100

Elmwood at Night
Many of the epeeps are down at the 567, thats where the big sign is on elmwood. There are about 10 of us. I took some pics of the street on slow shutter speed for your viewing enjoyment. Come on down if you read this. We'll be here for a while. You can always IM me. The link under my serPic.

