While at camp we stopped at walmart to pick up some stuff for a potluck dinner. I would normally never shop there but we had no other real options. I am sure that this is the plight of many places in small town America.
This walmart was not a regular walmart. It was the most intense super-mega walmart I have ever seen, complete with grocery store. However, it was not red, white, and blue like other walmarts, it was a green and yellow theme which made the whole shopping experience seem highly unpatriotic, hahaha.
Everything was beyond big size and ultra cheap, I can see the appeal for poorer americans with no options. Surprisingly, the quality of food, although surely all genetically engineered and sprayed with chemicals, seemed at par with any main stream grocery store. They even had the same main stream brands, as well as, products like tofu and get this meltable, shredded, vegan mozarella substitute. I would have killed for that ten years ago.
For example you could get a gallon of heinz ketchup for 1.66 or check out the giant mayonaisse containers below. Matt said we should have bought them as weights to work out with.
Too bad all of the price reduction comes at the expense of child labor and sweat shops in asia. Remember, 10% of China's exports go directly to Walmart. It's also at the expense of nearly every other store in the surrounding town shutting down.
While at the liquor store, the man in front of me bought a bottle of wine and a cork screw. When he got up to the cashier he asked how much the cork screw was. She said something like 3.50 and he said he'l just pick one up at the walmart then. I think that's how everything eventually shuts down around the walmart.
Not to mention the other super-sized product of walmart, the regular customers. It may be that some ofthem had medical disorders, blah blah but not as many as I saw. I think they themselves had simply become the product of Walmart's food deals like the by one get one gallon of mayonaise. I mean we no longer have to expend any energy in the hunt or farming of food production. So when you couple that with cheap prices and mega sized stuff, you get mega super fat assess, a la walmart style.
My favorite part of all, was that in the jewlery department they has a machine (see picture, if it works) where you could send messages to the troops. Unfortunately, the messages we pre-programmed and and you had like 60 choices. That is so fake.
I bet the troops really bothered reading the form letters with repetitive messages they receive in the end. Maybe they just get a pie chart, lol with 20% said good job, 30% said kill more children.
Oh wait, that one was not an option.