Billy [inlink]stickboy,93[/inlink], I bet you think you are the first dog to write on the site. Amazingly, we have already had a dog journal for months, but he had recently retired his writing career. It was (e:mk) 's dog named Lucky, the journal was named Lucky too. Maybe I should bring it back from the archives for you.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/20/2004 15:31 #31015
Billy the Dog06/20/2004 11:41 #31014
Party, Bacon and Jill PicI don't have time to update right now, I am off to go to my dad's for father's day. Thank you to everybody who came out for the party [inlink]news,344[/inlink] at the 567. (e:mike) is mad at me because I told someone that he thought they were a celebrity, which is only a compliment. Sorry (e:mike), I am sure we will be able to make up over a large helping of bacon, america's little miracle maker.

(e:jill) here is the little video I told you I would make out of the pictures. If you want to use it for a user pic, right click on it and choose to save the image to disk or download to disk (something like that.) Then you could upload it for a userPic if you want. I should sell video pics out on the street with my laptop as a side job, and give them out on floppies, hahaha - that's so 1993. If you'd rather have it loop forever, tell me it's a two second change. Right now it only loops twice.

(e:jill) here is the little video I told you I would make out of the pictures. If you want to use it for a user pic, right click on it and choose to save the image to disk or download to disk (something like that.) Then you could upload it for a userPic if you want. I should sell video pics out on the street with my laptop as a side job, and give them out on floppies, hahaha - that's so 1993. If you'd rather have it loop forever, tell me it's a two second change. Right now it only loops twice.
06/19/2004 22:38 #31013
ChurchofJulie DisappearsSo much for freedom of speech (e:julie) [inlink]churchofjulie,38[/inlink].

You have showed us that the best way to deal with government pressure is to just give in and give up. We should celebrate silence this evening.

You have showed us that the best way to deal with government pressure is to just give in and give up. We should celebrate silence this evening.
06/19/2004 18:53 #31012
Sherkston Beach In CanadaWe went to Sherkston Shores resort today only to find that it costs $25. Luckily, I remembered the free beach called Elco Beach at the far end, and we parked there. Simply follow the directions on the Sherkston site
and then continue using the map I made below.

In order to get to the free beach keep going past the sign for Sherkston Shores on Highway 3 and turn left at Wyldewood Rd. going toward the shore (left.) Simply drive to the end and you can park for the free beach.
The weather was cold and windy, but it was still fun. There is a fence dividing the free beach from the resort, however, the fence ends in the water and you can easily walk around it. We saw lots of people doing this all day. Here are Terry at Matthew divided by the fence.

It's kind of extreme having rich and poor beach goers divided by a fence, but I really can't think of a better alternative.
When it's sunny out the sidekick camera takes such nice colorful pics compared to the usual desaturated blurry ones that come out in low brightness. Check this one out from a time when there was full sun for five minutes.

I was really amazed by the ease of crossing at the border. They didn't even ask us for I'd, who's car it was or anything. Just, "Where are you going?," followed by, "ok."
On the way in it was just as easy, no passport, few questions, no search. Usually, I get harassed forever, I think, because I look arab.

In order to get to the free beach keep going past the sign for Sherkston Shores on Highway 3 and turn left at Wyldewood Rd. going toward the shore (left.) Simply drive to the end and you can park for the free beach.
The weather was cold and windy, but it was still fun. There is a fence dividing the free beach from the resort, however, the fence ends in the water and you can easily walk around it. We saw lots of people doing this all day. Here are Terry at Matthew divided by the fence.

It's kind of extreme having rich and poor beach goers divided by a fence, but I really can't think of a better alternative.
When it's sunny out the sidekick camera takes such nice colorful pics compared to the usual desaturated blurry ones that come out in low brightness. Check this one out from a time when there was full sun for five minutes.

I was really amazed by the ease of crossing at the border. They didn't even ask us for I'd, who's car it was or anything. Just, "Where are you going?," followed by, "ok."
On the way in it was just as easy, no passport, few questions, no search. Usually, I get harassed forever, I think, because I look arab.