Stickboy [inlink]stickboy,88[/inlink], I am a mafia prince, if you watch my back too long they will find you, right (e:mike) hahaha. This leads me to a great war story from Nonna [inlink]paul,558[/inlink].
She told me that one time during WWII in Italy, her brother was bombed in a nearby and broke his back. She and her family were farm people living in rural Italy.
After a long stay in a military hospital she had him brought home so that she could take him to a venician hospital that specialized in bonecare. After she got there, via a multitude of transit methods (the train tracks were bombed out and he was in an almost full body cast) she was told they couldn't take him. She was really angered, first of all, because she had the proper paperwork and secondly because she said he would die within a day or two if they didn't take him and she couldn't turn around cause it would be impossible to get back.
Then she remembered her brother was police man in that area before the war and knew the police there. So she called them and told them the situation. They instructed her tell the people at the hospital that if they did not take her brother immediately, they would come down with machine guns and promptly kill everyone.
Needless to say he was taken by the hospital and received great care. His other sister, stayed there near the hospital for two years and worked as a house servant in order to have a place to stay and to take care of him. Now that's dedication.