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05/16/2004 21:33 #30919

Atkins Diet and Subway
It was a late start after a long night but we
are in the car and out in the country. I want to see Zoar Valley again before they cut it down. To bad its too cold to swim. I would have liked to be here last week. On the way here I was hungry. so when we stopped to fill up the tank with iraqi blood I decided to try one of the Subway wraps. There are seriously subways every 5 minutes in America. I think they are an Australian company but I'm not sure. I mean we have two of them on the strip, one at forrest and one by Casa Di Pizza. The wraps are supposed to be subways answer to the tkins diet. Barely any carbs and lots of greasy bacon and cheese. You all know how I feel
about the Atkin's diet. If not search for my ovely picture of Dr. Atkins with egg yolk eyes and bacon greesy skin by searching for his
name in the search box. I guess it tasted good. I hope it helps me lose the extra pounds for the beach, lol.

05/16/2004 21:29 #30918

Video Screens
Matt and I were just talking about how its so weird
that the emotions you feel when watching something on a video screen
don't transfer to your overall feelings toward the screen.

We thought for a while to see if this applies to photos. Matthew pointed out that people tear them up in angry. Perhaps we don't bust screens cause they are more dear to us, in both senses of the word.
Although, Matthew mentioned that some people who appear to get angry at a sports game would sometimes punch a telelvision screen.

05/16/2004 15:58 #30917

Its a miracle - No more IE 6
I found a .bat file to diable access to IE 6 on Windows XP. Its seriously a miracle, for we have been plagued with spyware and pop-up crap on our public terminal here at the 567.

Here are the instructions if youa re interested.

To disbale access open up notepad and type the following text block, and save it as disable-ie.bat on the desktop.

@echo off
cd "Program FilesInternet Explorer"
if not exist IEXPLORE.EXE goto End
if not exist IEXPLORE.DIR goto End
attrib -r -h -s IEXPLORE.EXE
if exist IEXPLORE.EXE goto End
echo IE disabled.
echo If prompted, click "Cancel" then "Yes" on File Protection restore.
echo Run enable-ie.bat to allow IE to run again.

Once it is saved, double click on its icon on the desktop. If a warning pops-up ignore it. After it finished running, you will not longer be able to access IE on that computer.

Hopefully, you simply switch to firefox and forget about IE once and for all. If you change your mind about the procedure, here is the antedote, to re-enable IE 6.

Copy the text below into notepad and save it as enable-ie.bat on the desktop. Then just as before, double click on its icon to run it, and enable IE access.

@echo off
cd "Program FilesInternet Explorer"
if not exist IEXPLORE.EX_ goto End
if not exist IEXPLORE.EXE goto Activate
attrib -r -h -s IEXPLORE.EXE
echo IE enabled.

Hope this helps. I know it worked for us.

05/16/2004 01:36 #30916

More Cellphone Tests
This is a picture of chris trying to send a journal and picture from his phone. Unfortunately, his phone is hard to type on. I am so glad I have the little flip up keyboard on mine.

05/15/2004 16:56 #30915

My Parents Fly Away
My mom and dad are leavingfor seatle today. For those of you that remember the deleware park rose garden chinese auction at the deleware park casino - my parents won the jet blue tickets. So almost one year later they are flying away to Seatle and mike will be home all by himself. Will he survive.