Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/02/2004 15:37 #30890
This is my new vaio mini-topCategory: hardware
05/02/2004 15:08 #30889
The Digi-SwanHas you'll heard about "The Swan." HEre is the web site
It is a new show on Fox televsion where two women "transform" each week with the help of plastic surgery and then compete to get into a beauty contest. It is truly insane.
However, I am waiting for is the cyborgian version of this show. I would be the first to admit that I need a little digital enhancement. How about a flash card slot in my forehead. Then after all of the digital enhancements, the contestants could have a network query or compilation contest. Fastest wins.

However, I am waiting for is the cyborgian version of this show. I would be the first to admit that I need a little digital enhancement. How about a flash card slot in my forehead. Then after all of the digital enhancements, the contestants could have a network query or compilation contest. Fastest wins.
05/02/2004 05:40 #30888
How Machine Valdated Dancing SoundsHere is a recording of Terry calling the moves while Chamille dances to DDR. No not the East GErman Republic, rather Dance, Dance, Revolution.
05/02/2004 05:10 #30887
Check out new audio journalThis is a great way to record a situtaion and talk about it. My example sucks, because I am not really doing that. I am simply talking fo rthe sake of talking. My mother bought us DDR for Christmas but it was on backorder and such and just arrived today. I was refering to DDR. the playstation 2 game, that is what I meant by machine validated danicing. It feels confining and lacks the intrinsic freedom that real dancing provides. However, it is slightly addictive.
At first when I added audio journlas in mp3 and wav format I got nervous that epopel would simply talk and stop writing. That would suck because then nothing would be searchabel and people could not quickly read a journal. They would have to wait through all the ums and pauses. I thought however, it is an important step in developing the elmwood sound database. It was also a way for people to eventually be able to tie their cell phones into their journals. Have fun with it. For now the limit is 100k. It might go down to 75k or up. WHo knows, I will have to see.
05/01/2004 20:33 #30886
Cats Tend to make my life suck
Cats- Someday they will kill me.
One time in Italy I almost dies because I stopped breathing and my lungs filled up with blood. I am so alergic to cats that I often get allergic in crowds becasue so many people have them. So wehn I am not out tonight, everyone will know the cats made me stay away.
There have been so many events during the last ten years that have been so fucked up due to cats being on earth. I am sorry for all you cat lovers but I hate them and would dance in the streets if they were all rounded up and exterminated.