04/05/2004 13:35 #30846
Goodbye LeninI also went to go see goodbye Lenin last night. It was a really facinating and yet funny/touching movie.
See terry's journal [inlink]userName=terry,blogID=181[/inlink] for more info about the movie or visit here

to see the trailer.
What I questioned most during the movie was WWTD? What Would Trebor Do? I thought I remembered him telling me he was a wall guard. Maybe I am wrong but if so - wow. In any case it would explain his obsession with social justice and protecting the rights of the oppressed and protesters, etc nowaday?
If that is the case I wonder if he does it out of a bad conscience?
04/04/2004 04:05 #30845
DianaI read your journal
04/03/2004 22:58 #30844
I got so much work doneI seriously got a lot of work done during the second half of this week. I ignored the site, my friends, eating, etc and was able to make some progress. I still feel empty a bit, which means that it was not the work load that was bothering me. I guess it was the weather, the situation, my lack of direction, reading suck-ass student papers, etc.
Tonight I will celebrate life at Lilho's soire. I am surprised more people haven't contacted us for directions. I guess we posted it too late.
04/02/2004 02:13 #30843
VirtoolsJosephine got me a license to test Virtools, I am sure I already love it. Check out this great chat application. DSomeday, the elmwood site will have something very similar.
04/01/2004 23:00 #30842
Collaborative DocumentaryTonight in class, I saw the documentary video work of another student in my class. She is chinese and is facscinated by the methods that other chinese students use to cope with cultural adaption. This particular video touched on the tendency of many chinese american exchange stduents to become christian, possibily as an adaption method.
On to what I was thinking. I am always jealous of video artists, especially documentary artists, because I thought their medium was so much easier to handle than mine. I mean the world exists, you point your camera, and with a bit a of talent and a lot of practice you have a piece of art.
For me, I spend weeks and months, designing and tailoring, translating and manipulating data in order to create something that then seems to never be finsihed because some variable could always be altered to produce a totally different piece of artwork. Especially in terms of 3D modeling.
It is in fact, the challenge of having too many options. An infiniite amount of vaiable that are all completely controllable. She could not go back and change someones smile as they laughed because it didn't look right or change the color of their eyes because it did not contribvute to the overall eaesthetic. Its hard to find something that I cannot be resposnible for in my work. It is impossible to leave something to chance that is completely created by code either visually in terms of Alias or Maxon or textually in terms of PHP, HTML, and MYSQL.
Then I began to think about how she needed to pick subjects and ask them questions or at least direct them and I realized that all of the time I have spent building this site, I have actually began to create a tool for automating an interview, for allowing others to weave themselves into my own collaborative documentary.
When her project is finsihed she definately will have something amazing to show. She could even use the video to make another, more comprehensive video.
However, this project seems limitless. Someday when we look back on this site we will see it as a record of what life was like for people living in this place, this elmwood, this buffalo. But it may also end up being a graph or video, a database or a music track.
I think I have finally began to really use the computer to its fullest potential. Not just as susbstitute for some other artform. For example, when you do photoshop work, you are using the computer to subsitute for a camera, darkroom ,cutting table, etc. But this type of work is actually using the computer as the medium.
I guess I knew in 1986 that this would happen to me someday. Now its 2004 and I hope the next leap doesn't take almost 20 years.