It's been a busy night. You can now edit your own custom color themes.
The color picker comes with no instructions other than these few simple ones.
Open up the custom color control panel by clicking on the color palette icon in your control panel.
To change a color, click on the color in your swatch table.
The color slider widget saves the color into a little palette to grab later, if you want to return to the original color.
Now simple change the slider to change the color. When you have changed enough color you can save your theme.
Image paths such as the background image and hr can both be absolute URLS.
Once you have saved your theme, you can select it from the theme list by clicking on the default face icon in the themes list at the top of the site.
You cannot and will not be able to change the layout, it you wish a different layout, you can use the estrip api.
I will probably update the interface soon but for now it is functional.
Hint: you may need to empty your cache if you find your themes color changes are not taking hold.
Your welcome,
You can begin butchering my carefully planned designs!
I admit I havn't been to Buffalobarfly in a long time but it used to be verry good. It had a lot of hot quality bar shots of guys and girls and you could buy the pictures and you would get like the first 10 free. They also had some pictures up from Shreed and Regean that where two risque fot the EDGE's web site back then. They used to be a great site no idea how they are now. I always want to take shots like that when I'm out but feal not Pervy enough maybe I should start. Buffalo used to be a verry good site also but now it is mostly only news and the same news as the Buffalo News site but I bet when you look up Buffalo on web searchs a lot of people get it. I'm not saying that it deserves to win but when a lot of people use it, it gets a lot of votes. The same thing as buffalo bar fly. It isn't really a whats best catogory it is what is most popular or best known catogory.
see you at the event? huh? the voting isn't over yet?
and i voted for us for best blog AND best website...