The radio is retiring with him. Shortly, we will bring you a new music station. Until then it was fun and thanks Dr. Chlorine!!
News's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/13/2005 18:49 #30188
Dr Chlorine is Retiring as DJCategory: radio
12/05/2005 18:47 #30187
IE Download Page DramaCategory: estrip
I saw the problem at work today where the site tries to be forced to download on IE 6 for windows XP. I am writing this in IE now but on this computer it doesn't do it. At work, there are lots of security restrictions on IE because of some javascript bug that makes the computers vulnerable - so maybe it is that setting that is tampering with it. Anyone have any idea, I wil try and look into it tommorow.
12/02/2005 02:29 #30186
Major File Load UpdateCategory: estrip
You can now upload image files up to 1024k (1MB). They will be resized automatically making it easier if you do not have image editing software. I may make it higher in the future.
After we move the server to the artvoice network, I will most likely increase the size of files that can be stored.
After we move the server to the artvoice network, I will most likely increase the size of files that can be stored.
11/29/2005 18:31 #30185
Added userpics Online againCategory: estrip
Remember back in he day there was that draggable blue box where you could see the userpics of the peeps logged in. I ressurected part of that code but rewrote it all as javascript. After about 3 seconds of being on the page it should load the userpics right in of the users online. They should also refresh every so often alerting you who has logged in and out. If you click on them, you get taken to that users journal.