There is a new journal tag called whisper, it is written like this
[whisper]Here is something to whisper, you could include images or anything [/whisper].
[whisper]He is a live example that only members can see[/whisper]
Whenever you put anything is whisper tags, only logged in members of the site can see it. This provides a secure way to say things that you only want members to see. It compliments the
[hide]hide this text[/hide]tag which allows you to hide text from anyone accept your self. This allows you to publish noptes about your journal, that only you want to see.
[size=m]Journal Forwarding[/size]
Since june 19th 1625 people clicked on the little envelope at the bottom of a journal entry to forward a journal entry to someone else via email but only two people actually sent one. I wonder why. Is it too tricky, does nobody understand it, or is it not a worthwhile feature?
>>Posted By: paul