I finally added the help files and search. You can access it by clicking on the help link at the top of the page. I will be adding to as the week goes one but their are already 22 topics. You can also search for specific words.
This will lead to the eventual redesign of the front page, now that none of that information needs to be there. I will be adding new modules and features that you can access through there.
I also redid the image upload system, so please tell me if you have any problems. It should be much faster now.
>>Posted By: info
News's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/08/2005 07:09 #30035
New Updates12/28/2004 22:06 #30034
Resizing Photos for Upload using GIMPResizing photos for you journal is easy. But first you need an image editor. Seeing as not everyone has photoshop I will give the instructions using GIMP - a free opensource image editor found here .
The gimp is great. It is just like photoshop, looks very similar but costs nothing - not to mention it runs on every opertaing system. Mac and Linux users can follow the instructions at install GIMP or perhaps some mac or linux users of the site can post more detailed links and instructions in this journal entry. It will eventually be moved to the help files.
Here are the instructions to get the most current version (2.2) installed on windows.
1. Download GTK -
2. Download GIMP -
3. decompress (unzip) both files and run both installers. Make sure to install GTK first.
4. launch gimp and accept the license, keep clicking continue till the dialogues go away.
Here are the steps to resize an image using GIMP which will work with any operating system.
1. Once GIMP is running choose file-> open from the gimp menu and browse your computer to find your image.
2. At the bottom of the window where your picture opens find the drop down menu with percentages, click and make sure it is at 100% so that you can see your image at its true size.
3. Next to resize your image, select "scale image" from the "image" menu.
4. In the pop up window you can now set the height and width of your image. The journal cannot have images above 400px wide so you might as well set the width to 400. The height should automatically adjust. If not make sure to click the little chain betwen then. Then click the "scale" button
5. Last you have to save the file. Choose "save a copy" from the file menu. from there give the file a name make sure it has the". jpg" extension you started with and hit save.
6. Now a little box pops up asking you about the quality you want. the higher quality the bigger the file and the longer it takes for people to load on the web. Generally you want as small a file as possible without it looking shitty. If you click the "Show preview in image window" box you can see how the image looks at the current quality level and ajust it to be as small as possible without looking bad. Generally under 30k is good.
7. hit OK, after you do this you will have have a new resized image saved to your computer. now upload that image to your journal and you should have no problems.
Additional Notes: The GIMP is a full image editing program with hundred of tools and features. feel free to experiement with it. An easy tool to use is the paintbrush.. It looks just like a paintbrush and lets you paint on your image before you save it. Once I get the help system going I will add lots of other tutorials like this with video.
If anyone needs help with this feel free to contact (e:paul).
>>Posted By: paul >>Updated By: paul 12/28/04 21:53 >>Updated By: paul 12/28/04 21:54 >>Updated By: news 12/28/04 22:01
The gimp is great. It is just like photoshop, looks very similar but costs nothing - not to mention it runs on every opertaing system. Mac and Linux users can follow the instructions at install GIMP or perhaps some mac or linux users of the site can post more detailed links and instructions in this journal entry. It will eventually be moved to the help files.
Here are the instructions to get the most current version (2.2) installed on windows.
1. Download GTK -
2. Download GIMP -
3. decompress (unzip) both files and run both installers. Make sure to install GTK first.
4. launch gimp and accept the license, keep clicking continue till the dialogues go away.
Here are the steps to resize an image using GIMP which will work with any operating system.
1. Once GIMP is running choose file-> open from the gimp menu and browse your computer to find your image.
2. At the bottom of the window where your picture opens find the drop down menu with percentages, click and make sure it is at 100% so that you can see your image at its true size.
3. Next to resize your image, select "scale image" from the "image" menu.
4. In the pop up window you can now set the height and width of your image. The journal cannot have images above 400px wide so you might as well set the width to 400. The height should automatically adjust. If not make sure to click the little chain betwen then. Then click the "scale" button
5. Last you have to save the file. Choose "save a copy" from the file menu. from there give the file a name make sure it has the". jpg" extension you started with and hit save.
6. Now a little box pops up asking you about the quality you want. the higher quality the bigger the file and the longer it takes for people to load on the web. Generally you want as small a file as possible without it looking shitty. If you click the "Show preview in image window" box you can see how the image looks at the current quality level and ajust it to be as small as possible without looking bad. Generally under 30k is good.
7. hit OK, after you do this you will have have a new resized image saved to your computer. now upload that image to your journal and you should have no problems.
Additional Notes: The GIMP is a full image editing program with hundred of tools and features. feel free to experiement with it. An easy tool to use is the paintbrush.. It looks just like a paintbrush and lets you paint on your image before you save it. Once I get the help system going I will add lots of other tutorials like this with video.
If anyone needs help with this feel free to contact (e:paul).
>>Posted By: paul >>Updated By: paul 12/28/04 21:53 >>Updated By: paul 12/28/04 21:54 >>Updated By: news 12/28/04 22:01
12/28/2004 14:19 #30033
Estrip banners12/25/2004 01:01 #30032
Winter Colors 2004I am just documenting the new winter colors for winter 2004 before I forget and only have half screen shots like last years blue winter theme. I also added code support for themes, so hopefully it will change a lot more and eventually I will offer multiple skins. In the mean time if you want your own look for your journal you can always use the API . Just click on the link at the top of the page. You can view my example at
>>Posted By: paul
>>Posted By: paul
12/20/2004 20:29 #30031
New Draggable interfaceThe most important change is the new nav box. To use it click on the little green box between the "ttt" large print mode icon and the scroll bar toggle at the top of the page.
The navigational module allows you to explore a page without really have to scroll very much. It works with both scroll and no srcoll mode, both of which can be toggled from the nav box itself.
Almost all of the modules to the right are also draggable now, so bring them with you if you want.
>>Posted By: paul
The navigational module allows you to explore a page without really have to scroll very much. It works with both scroll and no srcoll mode, both of which can be toggled from the nav box itself.
Almost all of the modules to the right are also draggable now, so bring them with you if you want.
>>Posted By: paul