I have added some spell check functions, which will check your journal entry for spelling errors.
You can use the spell checking functions on the site, pre and post journal publication. In order to use the spell check function on an unpublished journal, click on the
spell check button in your journal entry box. This will bring what you have typed, up to that point, into a pop-up window for spelling correction.
The other way is to spell check a journal entry after it has been posted. In order to do this, click on the pen icon at the bottom of any of your journals. This will bring you to an updated update screen. It is updated to display your journal entry with media and links at the bottom, so you can see what it looks like while editing, without having to switch screen back to your journal! From here, simply click on the
spell check button to spell check that journal entry.
Once you click on the spell check button using either method, a window will pop up with a spell checked version of your journal sans media and links. If you click on the yellow highlighted errors, it will pop up a window which first looks up the misspelled word on google. If no suggestion is found on google, the system searches locally for a similar word in the local dictionary.
You also have the option of adding your word to the custom dictionary. Please only add words that you feel really need to be in the dictionary, as they will show up in the dictionary for everyone else.
You can also access the spell checking functions of the site by clicking on the new spell check link on your control panel.
>>Posted By:
paul >>Updated By:
paul >>Updated By:
paul >>Updated By: