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News's Journal

My Podcast Link

03/09/2004 15:40 #29784

Radio and Webcam
Both the radio and the new webcam are up today. Please test them out and tell us how they worked for you. Both can be found as links under any userPic.

03/09/2004 03:13 #29783

Site Disturbances
We are sorry for any inconveniences the secuirty updates caused last night. The site was down only for a couple hours, but it was necessary. We will give more notice in the future.

03/08/2004 13:09 #29782

Porn is Not Allowed Here
Porn is not allowed in your elmwoodstrip userPics or journal entries. Our ISP charges an additional $40/month for having a porn site and that was never the intention of this project. If you would like to start a porn/sex based journal - please check out yahoo's sex blog directory

03/05/2004 17:48 #29781

Come to Soundlab
Come out to Soundlab tonight to see a bunch of video and installation work. Some of it was created by our very own elmwoodstrippers. Robin is showing a video and Soyeon is doing some sort of installation work. Pardon me if someone else here is showing something I am unaware of. I also was going to try and do something but it was to last minute for me. Anyways, it should be fun.

You can find out directions and more information at the Soundlab site

03/05/2004 05:59 #29780

HTML Denial Notice
This will mean nothing to those of you that don't code in HTML.

People kept fucking shit up by trying to post HTML code to their journal. Before, I left the ability to add HTML code for those of you who wanted to spice stuff up a little. I figured people would look and see if it messed the journal up and take it out if it did in any way. Well, most people who posted it did not, and the journals kept getting messed up and I had to keep fixing them. So HTML is no longer being accepted or processed!

I spent the evening stripping out all of the HTML out of the previous journals, as well as, preventing it from entering into future ones. From now on, when you type HTML into your journal, it will simply display it as the code in your journal.

This is actually great for people who would like to explain how to use code. You simply type it and it will show up in your journal as code for others to see.

For example
<p>Here is a <font size="10">new</font> paragraph</p>


In case you are wondering, all of your old styles have been converted to accommodate for this. Moreover, the highlight style has been standardized, check it out in your stylebox.

This leaves me responsible for making new style options, expect them shortly with the release of v1.9 and the major upgrade to v2.0. I think you will be happy.

Please email me if you have any further questions or concerns. Hopefully, this will end the display problems.