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02/04/2004 16:18 #29754

Gay Marriage Upheld by Highest Court

"Massachusetts' highest court reiterated today that only full marriage rights for gay couples, not civil unions, would be constitutional. The ruling sets the stage for Massachusetts to become the first state in the nation to allow same-sex marriages."

This article is taken from CNN

What will happen now? This is either going to be a huge breakthough or the straw that broke the camels back when conservatives backlash on Capitol Hill.

02/04/2004 01:39 #29753

Very Many Letters
All together we have typed over 1 million letters now. Congratulations to everyone, thanks for making a million.


02/03/2004 01:00 #29752

Word Count
The wordcount feature has been recalled because of its competitive nature, unless people demand it back.

02/02/2004 17:05 #29751

Word Count and Other Updates
I have added a little Word Counting function to the journls so that you can see how much you are writing. The reason for the ~ is that it the value is approximate depending how you define a word. Usually it is not off by more than a few.

Matthew is beginnning to work on a new look for the site and I am developing some other enhancements to be realeased in the near future. Stay tuned.

Once again, if anyone has any ideas or requests please email us. Furthermore, if anyone has any sound or video work that they would like featured on the site. Please contact us, we are going to be experimenting with such work in the near future.

01/30/2004 02:06 #29750

super 8: anything but a dead art

G l o b a l s u p e r 8 d a y

Squeaky Wheel (
175 Elmwood Avenue (b/w Allen and North)
Friday, January 30, 2004, 8pm
$5/$4 members, contributing filmmakers free

Featuring super 8 filmmakers from all over the world, with special spotlight on local filmmakers Kelly Spivey and Stephanie Gray

the luv 'n' sex show is right around the corner..