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11/08/2003 14:28 #29693

War and Media Conference at UB

Our very own Holly from elmwoodstrip has designed a page for the War and Media Conference being held at UB

The University at Buffalo's Department of Media Study presents the War & Media Conference on UB's North Campus, Center for the Arts, Nov. 17-18.

This international conference confronts the relations between war and the media from an array of cultural, artistic, and academic perspectives—with a special focus on the media coverage of the recent war in Iraq. The two-day conference will feature three panel discussions, each of which will be composed of distinguished speakers from around the world presenting on issues pertaining to their specific areas of expertise.

11/08/2003 02:52 #29692

Coalition for Progressive Media

The Coalition for Progressive Media, is being established to facilitate and organize the development of progressive media in the Buffalo metropolitan area. Our first goal is to bring Democracy Now to Buffalo's airwaves. We firmly believe that there is a demand for truly independent media in our area; the huge success of our independent weeklies like Artvoice and Alt Press confirms this. Of course, making this happen will take some work, time, and money (estimates for air time on WUFO are around $20,000 per year for a daily one-hour program).

Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now, has agreed to speak at our first fundraiser on Dec. 3 between 4-6:30. Democracy Now is the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., airing on over 140 stations in North America. It offers an alternative to the mainstream and corporate media through diverse programming which highlights progressive issues, including labor, peace activism, environmental policies, and civil liberties. While focusing on progressive topics, Democracy Now strives for and meets the highest standards of well-balanced professional journalism by featuring live debates between people who substantially disagree, such as between the White House or the Pentagon spokespeople on the one hand, and grassroots activists on the other.

We are currently working on both a flyer for the event and a trifold brochure that will include recent examples of what Democracy Now is airing five days a week throughout the country. Any help you could offer to publicize or support this event would be greatly appreciated. Anyone with media or design skills would be a valuable member of this new group. If you would like to join the coalition, please refer to the contact information below. Our next meeting will be held this Thursday 11/13 at 5:30PM at the address listed below. To learn more about Democracy Now, go to

Buffalo Coalition for Progressive Media

2495 Main Street (Tri Main Building)
Suite 438
Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) - 833-5416

11/07/2003 19:55 #29691

NIke Sweat Shop Talk

The Committee for the Promotion of Justice would like to call to your attention an important event that will take place on campus on Tuesday, November 11. The Student Justice Board of Canisius College has invited two extraordinary St. Joseph University graduates, Jim Keady and Leslie Kretzu, to campus. The title of their talk is "Sweatshops and Social Justice: Nike in Indonesia--A Case Study." The event will take place in the Montante Cultural Center at 7 p.m.

11/01/2003 21:27 #29690

Sound Lab

We are going to soundlab tonight. They have moved to a new location on Pearl Street. I added a link to their site to links section on this page. Check it out if you want to go.

I seems to be a promising event. We had fun at the old soundlab happenings we went to plus we heard our very own Robin from the journal section is showing an experimental video. Wouldn't want to miss that. See you tonight.

11/01/2003 17:38 #29689

The party was a success.
We had up to 60 people at any given point. Everyone was very happy it seemed. Lots of food and spirits. Holly won the best costume prize at


Not enough pictures were taken, except by Deidre (sorry if spelling's not right), who should mail us highlights (to the link on the right), or drop some by in person. Have some tea. If anyone else wants to add party picturs (hint, hint Emily, Andrea, coopers) feel free.