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11/02/2003 21:05 #29682

Web Cam and Free Wireless Internet

I have finally added the elmwood web cam. To see the live image please click on the link called ElmwoodCam in the Link List under the user picture.

It updates every five seconds. Alternatively, you can click on the image above. The region shown in the picture is also a new free wireless internet hotspot.

11/06/2003 14:19 #29681

Minuet Show
One of my most excellent Digital Media arts students, who also plays in the band Minuet , will be performing this Friday at the Continental. I am sure it will be a amazing show, even though he is straight-edge, hahaha.


11/05/2003 01:57 #29680

Welcome aboard Julie
Sorry to anybody that tried to sign up for elmwood on Tuesday, Julie pointed out that it wasn't working. Thanks for alerting me. I updated the code late Monday night and left out a comma. I guess computer grammar matters too.

If anyone else ever find bugs like that please report them to me as soon as you can. You can just email elmwood by clicking the link under the user picture on this journal.

11/03/2003 01:53 #29679

Party Pics
Mike scannedd in lots of pics of the party. Check out his journal.

11/07/2003 00:59 #29678

Democracy comes!
The first meeting of the soon-to-be Coalition for Progressive Media has taken place and the dream of a Democracy Nowified Buffalo begins to coalesce. The meeting basically discussed the various ways that can be utilized to bring Democracy Now here. The first step was discussing the possible locations of the show. Because the airwaves have been overwhelmed by the corporate media it is a bit more complicated than simply setting up the garage. The overwhelming opinion seemed to be that we need to get this show heard by as many as possible, and talk centered around which station could provide us with that. Now the problem, of course, is monetary. Democracy Now is actually the cheap part-they give away the first year, and thereafter base the price on a sliding scale between $1,000-$5,000 (to reference this, News Hour w/Jim Lehrer is in the 6-digit range). But, the air time is sold at differeing rates per station, which, for a daily hour-long program, ranges from a couple to twenty-couple thousands of dollars.
From here the discussion led to the inevitable, fund-raising. This money can be generated from ads on the program, but will primarily come from donations. To this effect, Amy Goodman will be appearing at a fundraiser in early December. Our efforts are now focused on advertising this event and the principle behind it and securing enough support to actually make Democracy Now happen ASAP.
We will hopefully have the flyers ready around the beginning of next week. If anyone has anything to offer or to suggest, please email elmwood, paul, emily, or terry. The program needs to be here. It is just the first small step in taking back the public airwaves, but it has the possibilty of opening so many eyes/ears that otherwise may never have the opportunity. Let's do it!