A few leftovers tidbits....
My daughter came up to me last night and decided that she and her sister have come to the conclusion that I've been alone too long and they think I need to get a girlfriend (rest easy
(e:women), I'm too bloody old). They're pretty smart and left me with a warm fuzzy (okay I started snifflin' on the walk home). They worry about me on that score (sniff, who knew). Even more comically/touching, they had a few candidates in mind. Just when you are wondering who's radar your showing up on, surprises abound.
My car is fucking with me. It started making a noise that suggests brake pad fell off, with the grinding and the whatnot, but now it's not doing it. So, I'm not sure if it is the clutch, the brake or all in my head.
I gave a ride to one of the women I work with and because of it, wound up being half an hour late. Privately, I'm thinking where the fuck is the husband, the kid with car, but I try to be a person (don't always succeed, but I'm in there trying) so there I was at 7:45 waiting on her. I'm supposed to work at 8 which is when she showed. After she got taken care of, we came in at almost 8:30 which is when the monday staff meeting is supposed to occur.
Threw me off for the whole day. Everybody has to deliver a report on where you are/going for the week and I usually scribble a few notes so my ad-libs are good and scripted, but I winged it because of the lack of time. Felt like I was making it up, ya know.
I think not leaving the office at lunchtime left me in a state. Same carless woman wanted to know if I could cruise her back and not wanting to risk wrath from our boss for cruising in late and leaving early, I hesitated on the answer. My phone rang and she called her kid. I feel like a bit of a heel, but my other colleague said not to sweat it.
Hoping the voices in my head get laryngitis...
Glad you had fun. I was going between Home and The artfestival and MIA. I did make it back for Lisa Loeb. I don't really know any of her music but I had to see her anyways. Of the songs she did I had heard them before so I guess I know some of her songs but just don't know they where hers. Yeah I was in a Red MIA shirt and Vans hat once I bought the shirt. I thought some of the ARt at MIA was amazing. I love that Tarot Art and I may go back and get one of the girls prints with the angels and the girls doning laundry and the church with Bats. I can understand that I band only doing 3 songs can be kinda frustrating. Espicaly if you come in and they have allready done the first one. I belive the reason they do it is for more viriety and so that if you don't like a band you don't have to listen and listen and listen. There may also be some bands that just want to do their best 3 songs. I did see a few cool things at Allentown. There is a place where they have planes and helipcoters and canons made out of allumin cans that is preaty cool. I saw a hand drawn map or picture of Crystal Beach, If it was so much I would have bought it for my mother. There was this Dragon under glass that is painted but the paint makes it look like it is metal, they had other painting to they where really cool looking but it was a little bit out of my price range. Glad you had fun I'm sure I will reflect more about this on my journal.
Easy money, eh? Like... uh, how easy?