02/12/2004 19:22 #29149
ahh, valentine's day
You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by

Well tell me something I didn't already know! =P
02/10/2004 01:01 #29148
home, home on the rangeso i'm home. thanks to mb and patrick for taking me home, i lob you so much!
i feel like i haven't been home in so long and the only times i've been home lately are for like one night at the most. it stinks...well not that i don't love fredonia but everyone knows home is nice. haha of course to most people, buffalo and fredonia are like...the same thing.
well i have to go read for that test that i wrote about already [see below]. tomorrow i will go to the doctor's and see about this wacko thing on my nose. then back to freddy again. good night everyone.
02/09/2004 12:41 #29147
upsetCan I just tell you that I think I'm a wacko. I had a dream that I cut my hair, and afterwards I realized that I have been trying to grow out my hair (which is true) and I started SCREAMING at everyone...like, I was hysterical. And I woke up that way, too.
I feel like something is really going wrong inside of my head and I just don't know what to do? But maybe I'm saying this because I slept way too much. I felt sick this morning when I woke up and I really don't feel much better now. And now I have to go to class until like 9 pm and somehow get home so I can go to the doctor's early tomorrow morning, and then go back to Fredonia to take a huge test I really haven't studied for much because I've been distracting myself with things that seem important at the time but aren't. But in reality, tests don't matter. It would just be nice to do well because if we get a 97 or higher we get free photocopying of library materials for the rest of the year. Now wouldn't that be nice? I could have extra money to do more ridiculous things that make me feel yucky and miss class! WOO!
Wow I just wrote that really fast. What is wrong with me!?!?! I have really bad breath too. That doesn't help anything. Ok well I have to go and look presentable for the world that I don't want to be in today at all. I would like to wake up and have it be Wednesday. Better yet, Friday, and I'd wake up in a car on my way to an adventure singing along to the Beatles and thinking that I'm really happy for once.
02/05/2004 15:03 #29146
craziness...hanging on here until i'm gone
right where i belong, just hanging on
even though i pass the time alone,
somewhere so unknown, it heals the soul
you ask for walls, i'll build them higher
we'll lie in shadows of them all
february stars,
floating in the dark
temporary scars
february stars
02/04/2004 00:57 #29145
wackook so i have nothing to say but i couldn't keep the sadness as my last entry. soooo here is an update! now time for bed!