09/10/2004 21:05 #26730
todayI took the bun bun to the vet today for a checkup and a nail cutting. Why is it that when I try to cut her nails she gives me crap, but let's the vet do it in 5 seconds?
I also saw
Resident Evil: Apocalypse. It was awesome. I knew it would be.
I guess that's it.
09/09/2004 21:58 #26729
nonsenseIn response to: [inlink]maidencateyes,111[/inlink] I sent this:
"Why are you getting so upset at someone when you don't even know who it is? Isn't that kind of a waste of energy?"
In response to that email, I received:
From : P S <strobascobe@hotmail.com>
Sent : Thursday, September 2, 2004 9:15 PM
To :
Subject : RE: your an ass
why don't you grow some courage and tell me who you are
just keeping everyone up to date
09/09/2004 18:35 #26728
YAY!!!my new computer came today!!!
[size=s]MY NEW COMPUTER CAME TODAY!!![/size]
[size=m]MY NEW COMPUTER CAME TODAY!!! [/size]
[size=l]MY NEW COMPUTER CAME TODAY!!! [/size]
[size=xl]MY NEW COMPUTER CAME TODAY!!! [/size]
[size=xxl]MY NEW COMPUTER CAME TODAY!!! [/size]
09/07/2004 21:45 #26727
ribbitthe truth about toad licking
09/06/2004 21:50 #26726
mind your own businessI am not going to discuss all the crappy things that happened to me today, just one. However, we must always keep in mind, that sometimes the little stupid things add up and eventually you need to let off steam.
So, after a day of many little added up things...
I was returning my shopping cart to the corral at Wegmans. I turned around and [size=m]skreech![/size] a minivan had to slam on the brakes to not hit me. Now, this driver of course was cutting across all the empty spaces at quite a fast speed for a parking lot, instead of just patiently driving along the lanes like you are supposed to. So I walked in front of them since I was already half-way there and they had stopped. So then they speed by my practically running me over. I screamed, "Jesus Christ! Learn how to fucking drive!" That would have been the end of it, but no. This stupid woman who was putting washer fliud in her car, who is completely uninvolved in this situation has to yell to me as I am walking to my car, "Don't yell at traffic, asshole!" [size=m]What the fuck?![/size] So I get in my car and roll down my window, continuing to scream how people need to mind their own fucking business and why shouldn't I yell at traffic when I almost get run over?! Stupid woman.