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Lisa's Journal

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11/02/2004 23:20 #26503

where am i, you, they, she, us?
oh my goodness, some changes to the site i see. i've been so busy and pooped lately, i feel like my life if wearing away purposelessly. i did get to see my family this weekend which was good. now sleep i go.

11/08/2004 14:54 #26502

i saw the northern lights last night. it was nice, kinda looked like crystals in a cave (stalagmites?)

this font better come out white like i asked it to! [bgcolor]#ffa419[/bgcolor]

11/02/2004 23:21 #26501

why can't i make my pretty background color?

10/28/2004 00:33 #26500

double toil and cricoarytenoids

i went to that devil site and put in my last name.

weird things came up including a huge picture of some old lady and

[size=xl]a naked guy with a naked enlarged penis[/size]

that wasn't one of the last things i needed to see before i went to bed.

thanks paul.


wish me luck on my anatomy and physiology test..... oi

10/25/2004 13:07 #26499

its gettin' hot in here...
What is the recent increase in fires about? Businesses and homes. Many site arson. I see more news about fires than murders it seems now. ....