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Lisa's Journal

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08/11/2004 15:44 #26448

this is me ---------------->
My mom sent me a picture last night that she scanned from my yesteryear. This was Halloween, I was maybe 5. My costume was not a [c]Cat[/c] but a [c]Cat from Outer Space[/c]. The red hair and sparkles on my nose made me interglactic.

We also used to pretend that barbie was from outer space. What's with the obsession with aliens?

08/11/2004 12:55 #26447

still pi**ed

email number 3:

"The UBCARD number is the number below your photo on your UBCARD NOT your person number. Let's, for example, say the UBCARD number is: 0000 0000 0012 3456 And let's say your birthday is: January 19, 1980"

yeah i got that much. IT DOESN"T WORK. Now I have to drive over to UB for them to say, oh yeah its not working, let's reset it!!

Maybe Jon, the guy from CIT will read this and see that its stilll not working!

hey jon! its not working.

but other than that, have a nice day.

08/10/2004 17:59 #26446

pi**ed off

That's how we feel about buffalo wings. something reserved for restaurants to make unless you have a deep fryer which is just way too much hot oil in your house or backyard.

the title refers to how i feel about UB not letting me sign on after two emails telling me my account is active. bs

08/09/2004 13:20 #26445

i like to read elmwoodstrip in french although i don't know what i'm reading.

08/08/2004 21:11 #26444

[inlink]matthew,321[/inlink] hey (e:matthew), since you have off all next week, let's so something for real. i can be mrs. robinson but i'm not wearing pantyhose.