11/18/2004 23:49 #24754
pictures from the Rivanna Romp in VAso i posted a little thing a few days ago about my rowing trip to VA, but now i have some pictures !!!! so i figured i'd post a few of them too ;)
So this pic is from our saturday night search for dinner turned into moving cars so we could get our bus out of the stupid lot...
then this is what we experienced sunday morning showing up to our cold boats
our poor fin was even covered in frost :(
and of course... us rowing by (I'm in the white hat)
And there we go...
11/15/2004 15:12 #24753
weekend adventures in VAWe had our last race of the season yesterday :( it was in VA, it was cold, but we definitely had fun ;)
so we left here at 5 on saturday, took off at 7, got to DC around 9 ish, long drive through DC VA traffic, arrived at the race course (charlottsville, UVA) around 3. it was cold!!! all we wear to row are these little spandex outfits... cold!!! so we rigged our boats and rowed for a little bit then time to head to the hotel... but our bus driver got us lost :( once we got there, quick shower then back in the bus to go to dinner. we got lost going to dinner:( crazy lost, over and over again... she was a really bad driver. then she got us stuck in a parking lot... this was actually best part of the weekend... she would creep up and back over and over again getting nowhere, almost hitting these cars over and over again for like 35 minutes and we were starving. our coach wasnt with us so she left myself and anna in charge. so anna's outside the bus trying to help her get around the cars, I'm inside trying not to let 15 girls charge out of the bus to go walk somewhere in the cold and get lost. then finally we just had onel ittle car in the way, just one... a little toyota camry. so i was like, ok guys lets go move it... and they actually followed me out of the bus, and everyone ran right for the car, got hands on and before i knew it, we were moving this car. first up to the curb, 2 men approached us, i thought we we gonna be in trouble, they were asking if we needed help... so then we got it up on the curb... the bus pulled out, we put it back... generally where we got it from, off the curb at least and we were off. again drove another 20 minutes, finally found a little shoppinhg center with a few little take out places... we grabbed something to eat (i got a sub) then a little shoppign around the plaza... we needed to be out for a bit after the little bus fiasco... then back to the bus, and what do you know, our hotel was 2 minutes away.... stupid driver
then the racing on sunday was good, we raced a bunch of "good schools" so good competition and stuff... but froze, it was soo cold. then loaded up the trailer, and back on the bus, from their to the plane then back here in miami by 10:45... SLEEP
unfortunatly, i was suppossed to write a paper all weekend, actually all semester... its due tomorrow at 3... but i just started it about 2 hours ago :( woops, i gotta get back to that now... but that was my moving a car story...
11/12/2004 12:46 #24752
splashok, so i have a funny story from this morning... but i suck at telling stories so it might just come out stupid, but here goes...
so i was at practice (rowing)
we were on the dock, getting our oars so we could launch
however, our oars were stuck under one of the oars of the other boat
so i thought i'd be nice and help them push off the dock.
so i started pushing tash's blade
but she wasn't pushing back so the boat wasnt moving, just her oar was
so i told her to push away (like gradually, ya know)
but she slammed her oar into the oarlock (pushing it all the way out)
however, i was right there
and her blade nailed me in the gut
it pushed me back about a foot on the dock
unfortunately i only had about 6" left of dock behind my left foot
so my left foot went in
as did my entire left leg
but my right leg was left up on the dock
with me in a very uncomfortable split
so i pulled my right leg in with me to get out of that position
so by this point I'm totally submerged in the water
but before i can lift myself out
2 girls from my boat grab my 2 arms
and drag me out of the water
then someone grabed a leg
and swung me around on the dock
i ended up sprawled on top of our oars
soaking wet
w/ a big bruise on my left inner shin
and w/ the most painful bruise in my crotch
so sorethe entire practice
and now i can't even sit properly w/o any pain "down there"
hehehehehe, so how did ya like my story???
that's it ;)
11/08/2004 23:10 #24751
Turkey Trot!!!!hey, go sign up for the turkey trot!!!

I'll be running with a big giant (my brother) and a few of his friends, but knowing them, they are gonna be really slow... ;)
well, go sign up!!!!
11/08/2004 22:15 #24750
what??? snow already???so a birdie told me it was snowing in buffalo today... is this true??? ahahaha... sorry, i just find it funny that its snowing ;)
i was up in GA this weekend and the mornings were like 35-40 degrees and were were absolutely freezing, granted we were on the water and all we had on were 2 layers of spandex and a sweatsuit on over... but still!!! freezing!!!!
oh, but we are back here in miami, hehehe, it was funny, this morning i had on shorts and a tee as i was walking outside and my roommate told me "oh, you are gonna be cold out there" so i put on a sweater... what was she talking about??? it was warm out!!! ahhh, i love it!!!
but what i did notice is that christmas stuff is already up all over where were were in GA, and there is NOTHING here, nothing at all, and they really never really have much except for this big santa that they put up on this one corner in the middle of Coral Gables (the city UM is actually located in) and that even looks weird, i remember seeing it freshmen year and thinking "christmas in july" weird though, weird...
ahhh, what am i thinking about christmas for, thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet... oh i can't wait for some good food (i just hope my mom's not cooking, jk) heheheh ;)
but have some fun in that snow for me!!! and leave a little bit for me so i can go sledding, then it can all melt ;)