I just wanted a cozy bed.......and to stay in that cozy bed and not go to work.
But, I did eventually drag myself away from my pillow and head to the office (on the way, the slightest of misty rain ruined my random good hair day)
It's so chilly outside, and wet and rainy.....
I hear you people complain about the heat back in Buffalo, and I realize that I'd be miserably sticky if I was there too, but I do long for a bright warm day... Months with only the faintest trace of sunshine have taken their tole on me. Buffalo may not have the best weather around but at least we've got the sun!
But I digress, my day has gotten better,
I just got news of an upcoming show at the Mohawk Place,
On September 9th, Orenda Fink (Azure Ray), Neva DInova, David DOndero and......the musical equivalent of a bright sunny day at the park: TILLY AND THE WALL
I'll be there......griping about the weather most likely, and with the biggest smile on my face because.......I'll be home, and I'll be listening to joyous melodies!!!

Sure thing Jill. What can I say I like your photos. =)