Man, That is proof that I should never sketch on a tummy full of beer and raasberry vodka......bad combo....
Tonight was fun, Mike and Beeast went home early but Rachel and Souithern yankee and Drchlorine made the night fantastic, thnanks are lovely.....
Now I'm sleepy and stoill pretty aided by the ale, so I'm gonna hit the couch....couchy couch......couches aare grweaat.......
Dance Paarties are beetter......dancin', fun, boogie-oogoe-oogie......Missed Felix tonight, so saad, he makes me smile andd givees me goose-bumps (in the south they say "goiose-flesh".....wierdos", no offense to the sooutherneers), I'm gonna reeally talk to him some daay, I sweaar, and it;s gonna be loverly.......But tonight was also loveryly and I did not talk to him, so I guess me loverly-ness does not deepend on him......which is terribley lovleey in itseelf.....
Gosh, someone should r eally shut off the computerr.....and that someonne is me.....night all
Much Lovee!