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11/29/2005 14:04 #24189

post thanksgiving/post philly
tuesday brings be back to buffalo. and reality. i am back in the cubicle trying to recall the events of the past couple days. here are the main points:

-settled on rochester wednesday nite. good decision. hung out with mostly buffalo people and got ridiculous. it is wierd to see your high school friends, their husbands and your buffalo friends all together. i got super drunk and made out with this guy that beared a striking resemblence to mr. clean. oops. (be a grown-up, jessica, grown-up!)

-thanksgiving. somewhere amongst the appetizers i got food posioning. i spent dinner being violently ill. i am thinking this is bad karma for one of two things -
a.) being a vegetarian on thanksgiving
b.) succombing to complete gluttony in vegas and eating 3 buffets a day.
(speaking of vegas the pictures are up. below is a sampling.)

-friday again went out in rochester with the husbands/high school/buffalo crowd. this time was much more amusing because we went to more of a sit down pub first - the old toad. sitting around this table with my wasted friends and my uptight proper high school crowd was hilarious. at one end i had katie doing flaming shots of god knows what and dyan and marla stoned out of their minds. and at the other end i had beth, her husband and lucy drinking hot tea and diet cokes, talking about their grad programs at columbia and their upcoming kenya trips. blah blah blah. at 10:30 - when it was past their bedtimes- we switched bars and got serious at barfly and monty's corner

- saturday i drove to philly. it was a quick drive. went a lot faster then i thought. i think i want to move there. it is like a bigger buffalo. rachel's house is sweet - her neighborhood is like a very hilly elmwood with row houses instead.

- sunday we went to mcfaddens of philly and watched the game. then i ran drunk up the rocky stairs.

yesterday after a brief philly shopping excursion i drove home. i stopped in weedsport to pee. seriously that is the wierdest place ever.

okay this is boring. i will stop. i tried to write more drama-free for jason.

going to hit up that wal mart movie tonite. more later

agh i wanna do it again


jason - 11/29/05 18:53
Oh, I almost forgot, I hope you actually WENT to the museum after you did the Rocky thing. If you didn't visit the museum you missed out on some really cool stuff!
jason - 11/29/05 17:03
I have been on those same steps in Philly. It's a pretty cool city in my opinion.

11/23/2005 12:57 #24188

november 23, 2005
i need to get a snow brush.
last nite after the sabres game (which we are not talking about) we made that awful walk to pearl street. there was a good crowd out. including two lovely gentlemen ( that were apparently narcotics officers) that bought me and my sister drinks.
after this week having handsome older men buy me drinks was welcome. i talked to my 'mr. big' monday nite on the phone. upon referring to him as my 'big' to rachel she replied that she was sick of all these girls saying they have a 'mr. big' and that it was a cop out. there is no such thing as having a 'big' - it is called being weak. and she is right. i am weak. i have been re-run central this week- between my big, my work bf, evan etc. i am attributing this to being vulnerable after the doug disaster - and being stupid enough to hang around with all these guys still. oh yea - and i am weak. i need to move far far far away.
i am still wavering back and forth on where to go out this evening. i could stay in buffalo tonite with the boys and have ridiculous fun (with the inevitability of drama though), or i could go home to rochester (like mom wants me too) and have a chill nite with the crowd there - drama free. i lead a sad existence when this is the most painstaking decision of my week. but i think getting out of this town for the next few days will be a good thing.

jason - 11/28/05 17:31
Forget the drama - fall for Jason!

11/22/2005 13:24 #24187

november 22
i sent a speeding ticket in about 2 weeks late today. can they revoke my license for that? especially considering i was going 22 over?

dyan the redhead comes into town tonite. around midnite. drinks will be had. i am sure this means hardware - since 'going out for drinks' and 'hardware' have become synomous over the years. just like 'getting fucked up tonite' mean 'see you at pink at 3:30am.'