I'm at my office hours right now listening to 102.1 the edge on the internet and putting off doing what I should be.
Spring Break starts thursday for me but I won't be coming home cause i have to work on my senior thesis. I don't know how this is going to come together. We shall see.
As far as grad school goes, I've gotten into Albany and Syracuse and am still waiting on NYU and American. I am sooooo excited though because Syracuse was my first choice by far. They also have the specialization I want (state and local government financial management). At other places I would either have to choose between government financial management or urban policy or I would have to make my own major. This has it all in one. That makes me happy and I will probably go to Syracuse pending some type of decent financial aid.
Also more exciting stuff, Citizens Against Government Waste, where I interned last spring and the spring before that, finally released the report on waste in the Capitol Visitor Center that I wrote (it is even under my name, I didn't just ghost write). Read it here

and let me know what you think.
That is all. Talk to you later