As I am unable to make the big party tonight (I'm coming home one day late :( ). I just want to wish mike a happy birthday. I wish I could be there to celebrate with y'all. I hope it is a great time, and hopefully I will see you Saturday Night if you are not still recovering.
Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/20/2004 11:39 #24071
Happy B-Day Mike08/19/2004 11:58 #24070
E-StripIn response to Paul,
You do bring up a good point in regards to the fact that if they do not publish regularly, then their journal will fade into obscurity. I guess just letting them disappear is better than censoring/deleting their stuff.
Regarding using the the journal as a promotional tool in the sense of having them relay their experiences, such as your example of the person who was starting a bike customizing business, I have no problem with that. The reason that I enjoy the site so much is that it lets me in on the experiences of people's lives. The diversity of people and their experiences is what makes this site so entertaining. Adding more experiences, such as the starting of a business or what it is like being in a band etc, would only make the site more interesting.
Regarding Elmwood Radio. I agree that using the site to play and promote local artists would be a great asset to the site. But I think that there should be some other better way for them to get their music on if they are not willing to maintain a journal. Maybe have a little blurb above the elmwood radio box that says something like "Are you a local musician and would like your music featured on elmwood radio, email Radio@elmwoodstrip. com" And rather than have radio as a journal have it more as a webpage that includes a section linking to local artists that are featured on elmwood radio. I'm not sure. In all fairness, I have never used elmwood radio so I don't know how much I can talk.
In regards to advertisements, I completely understand and support your decision not to compromise and add Ads to the site. Especially in light of the fact that you see the site as having a news element that could come into conflict with advertisers.
Regarding the PR person, I think it is a good idea and I really wish I could get more involved in the PR aspect. Unfortunately I am in DC for at least another year so I couldn't do any of the hands on stuff. If you would like I would be willing to do anything I could from here, like write press releases, articles, etc. Let me know if I can help at all.
I hope that rant was somewhat coherent. If it wasn't, let me know and I will clarify.
You do bring up a good point in regards to the fact that if they do not publish regularly, then their journal will fade into obscurity. I guess just letting them disappear is better than censoring/deleting their stuff.
Regarding using the the journal as a promotional tool in the sense of having them relay their experiences, such as your example of the person who was starting a bike customizing business, I have no problem with that. The reason that I enjoy the site so much is that it lets me in on the experiences of people's lives. The diversity of people and their experiences is what makes this site so entertaining. Adding more experiences, such as the starting of a business or what it is like being in a band etc, would only make the site more interesting.
Regarding Elmwood Radio. I agree that using the site to play and promote local artists would be a great asset to the site. But I think that there should be some other better way for them to get their music on if they are not willing to maintain a journal. Maybe have a little blurb above the elmwood radio box that says something like "Are you a local musician and would like your music featured on elmwood radio, email Radio@elmwoodstrip. com" And rather than have radio as a journal have it more as a webpage that includes a section linking to local artists that are featured on elmwood radio. I'm not sure. In all fairness, I have never used elmwood radio so I don't know how much I can talk.
In regards to advertisements, I completely understand and support your decision not to compromise and add Ads to the site. Especially in light of the fact that you see the site as having a news element that could come into conflict with advertisers.
Regarding the PR person, I think it is a good idea and I really wish I could get more involved in the PR aspect. Unfortunately I am in DC for at least another year so I couldn't do any of the hands on stuff. If you would like I would be willing to do anything I could from here, like write press releases, articles, etc. Let me know if I can help at all.
I hope that rant was somewhat coherent. If it wasn't, let me know and I will clarify.
08/18/2004 22:34 #24069
Email and Bills TixFirst off, I would like to say to Paul that I am going to respond to your entry that responds to my entry, but I want to devote a full post to it so I will probably do it tomorrow.
On to other things, I got a email from my old internship today . I had wrote to them telling that something they had done got picked up on Fox News
. Anyway, they emailed me back and told me that a report I had written for them was almost through being edited. I had given up on it ever being published cause I submitted it to them on memorial day and heard little since. The fact that they are still planning on publishing it makes me excited. The email also said that my old boss in the office wanted me to give him a call on something not related to the report. I wonder what it could be. Though I shouldn't, part of me wonders if it is about me working for them in the future. They had flat out said when I had to give up my internship there at the beginning of the summer that if I had graduated then, they would have offered me a job. But alas, I still have one year to go. It is stupid and far fetched but that is what happens why I don't know what in the world it could be about and my mind is allowed to wander.
On another note, my mom won a pair of bills season tickets from Tops. That is pretty awesome, but alas my mom won't use them and I am not around so I am looking to sell them, either as individual game or the entire season. I don't know where they are in the stadium, but I will when I go home on Saturday. If you or anyone you know is interested please let me know.
That is enough for now. I have to sleep. Night all
On to other things, I got a email from my old internship today . I had wrote to them telling that something they had done got picked up on Fox News

On another note, my mom won a pair of bills season tickets from Tops. That is pretty awesome, but alas my mom won't use them and I am not around so I am looking to sell them, either as individual game or the entire season. I don't know where they are in the stadium, but I will when I go home on Saturday. If you or anyone you know is interested please let me know.
That is enough for now. I have to sleep. Night all
08/18/2004 14:23 #24068
Abuse of E-strip[inlink]paul,1818[/inlink]
Paul, You should tell that you are a commercial site based on the fact that two bands have shamelessly selfpromoted themselves on the site as of late
Maybe it is just me, but shame on those two bands for trying to take advantage of the site. I would have no problem if someone in the band wanted to talk about how their concerts went etc., but to create a journal purely as nothing more than a cheap plug for their band, that is sleezy. If I am wrong about the bands and judging too quickly, then I welcome them to prove me wrong by posting again with something more than a link, a bio, and when their next show is.
I know it is not really my place to talk as it is not my site, therefore who am I to decide what is or isn't appropriate to be posted. And I apologize if I have overstepped my bounds, but does anyone else feel this way?
On another quick note, I would like to thank Paul for encoding the site however he did because it lets me read it and post at work even though most other sites that you can post at, such as webjournals, are blocked for security reasons. I'm such a slacker.
Paul, You should tell that you are a commercial site based on the fact that two bands have shamelessly selfpromoted themselves on the site as of late
Maybe it is just me, but shame on those two bands for trying to take advantage of the site. I would have no problem if someone in the band wanted to talk about how their concerts went etc., but to create a journal purely as nothing more than a cheap plug for their band, that is sleezy. If I am wrong about the bands and judging too quickly, then I welcome them to prove me wrong by posting again with something more than a link, a bio, and when their next show is.
I know it is not really my place to talk as it is not my site, therefore who am I to decide what is or isn't appropriate to be posted. And I apologize if I have overstepped my bounds, but does anyone else feel this way?
On another quick note, I would like to thank Paul for encoding the site however he did because it lets me read it and post at work even though most other sites that you can post at, such as webjournals, are blocked for security reasons. I'm such a slacker.
08/18/2004 12:57 #24067
There is a 7-11 on Sheridan in Tonawanda. It is just past where Grand Island Boulevard splits from Sheridan, in Tonawanda. It is also near where the 190 and 290 split by the South Grand Island Bridge. Here is a link to a map of the area:
. When you reach the GI/Sheridan split, you want to bear left on Sheridan and the 7-11 will be a few blocks up on your left.
There is a 7-11 on Sheridan in Tonawanda. It is just past where Grand Island Boulevard splits from Sheridan, in Tonawanda. It is also near where the 190 and 290 split by the South Grand Island Bridge. Here is a link to a map of the area: