Finally got my tree yesterday, and spent the evening getting it set up, drinking mulled cider and listening to christmas carols. Just finished my christmas shopping- all done via catalog/internet since I can't handle the mall. (I was hoping to stroll down elmwood and go in all the shops, but time was against me.) And I've made one of my 3 batches of cookies. Hoping to finish cookies and christmas cards tonight. We'll see about that.
I am a terrible christmas decorator. Well really just a terrible decorator in general. I put things one way, and i'm ok with it. My mom comes to visit and says "you're nuts, wouldn't it be better this way?" and rearranges things- and is totally right. And I never touch it again. When it's christmas time, I don't put away my regular stuff- I just put my mishmash of random christmas crap on top of it.
But for maybe the first time- my procrastination skills have paid off- literally. I went to Menne Nursery on NF blvd for my tree. I picked out a nice soft Frasier fir. They tend to be more $$ but they smell good and the needles don't fall off. And I got a wreath and some lights. Went to pay- they knocked the price from $80 to $42 since it's so late in the season! Yay! (because i really can't justify spending $80 on a tree.) (But since I tend to leave them up til feb, I guess at least I get my money's worth. ;) )
But then two high school looking kids went to tie it on my car... they really didn't seem to know what they were doing. It was all loose... and then at the end they lingered for a second- I said thanks and got in the car and drove off. Then wondered- were they waiting for a tip? I called my dad, who said yeah, you're supposed to tip them.
So I spent the rest of the drive home (which was long since I was afraid to go more than about 2mph in case the tree fell off) wondering if I was a cheapskate and if I should go back and tip them. But in the end decided they didn't really do a good job, and probably didn't deserve much of a tip. But I still feel a little badly.
sorry i'm totally rambling.
Here are some pix of my multiple christmas trees.

This one is like 10" tall. My mom sent it to me for my dorm room when I was about 15. I like the little 'popcorn and cranberries' she made.

Yes, it's an inflatable tree, for when I'm too lazy to have a real one.

Maybe not quite on par with (e:PMT), but I like my tree. :)

And this is my favorite ornament. Hard to read, but it's from YMCA preschool, and it says Alexis 1979 on it.
Be Merry peeps!
You have your own place and have 3 trees that is awesome. I no expert but is that inflateable tree right next to the heater safe?
not on par with (e:pmt)? what about my tree? my tree does not enter the competition? and what happened to the baking of cookies, huh, huh? it's ok, i was painting pots all weekend anyway for my coworkers.