I do love the Pink. I've been going there for years. Thanks for the invite but I'll have to politely decline. There are enough peeps who don't care to meet me or talk to me that I just don't see the point. Everyone here knows each other reasonably well. I'm not in the bubble so I'm pretty sure I would be just getting loaded alone anyway. Anyhow have a great Thanksgiving and take it easy everyone! Be safe!
Jason's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/24/2004 20:11 #23371
Thanks Rachel11/24/2004 11:49 #23370
JFK: Reloaded!I'm sure you all know about this game already. I've never been one to be too PC - but when I heard about this I became thoroughly disgusted. Poor, poor taste. I mean what's next? Oh oh I got it! Ed Kennedy: Still Loaded - you get to down about 25 vodka and tonics and run people over with your car! Wouldn't that be worth your hard earned cash? Wouldn't that be entertaining? *puke*
On to better things - if you guys like computer games and want a good stress reliever pick up Half-Life 2 - I was up all night playing it yesterday (blush!) and it is truly amazing visually. I don't play a lot of shoot em ups but this one is great so far. Also you can play a multiplayer mode with your friends called Counter Strike: Source and get into various scenarios. I know there are many of you who hate the USA and all, so bear with me here, but it's a Special Ops vs. Terrorist type of thing. The regular game is more on the Sci-Fi end of things. Anyway I've been wasting my time with it and it's a great stress reliever. So fun!
Hmm....oh yeah - I went on a date for the first time in a long time! I finally decided to get out there and make some effort. I'm ready now. BUT! (and there always is a but) it turns out this girl has a long distance boyfriend! How nice! It's scandalous chicks like that who really make me not want to bother sometimes. It's one of those times where you're thankful that you've learned your hard lessons, because you know you won't make the same mistakes again. I mean it's unreal. This girl and her sister both lied to my best friend about it. I have a word for that: PIG. Oh well, on to the next opportunity. The first experience was a bad one, good to get it out of the way so I can move on to better people.
On to better things - if you guys like computer games and want a good stress reliever pick up Half-Life 2 - I was up all night playing it yesterday (blush!) and it is truly amazing visually. I don't play a lot of shoot em ups but this one is great so far. Also you can play a multiplayer mode with your friends called Counter Strike: Source and get into various scenarios. I know there are many of you who hate the USA and all, so bear with me here, but it's a Special Ops vs. Terrorist type of thing. The regular game is more on the Sci-Fi end of things. Anyway I've been wasting my time with it and it's a great stress reliever. So fun!
Hmm....oh yeah - I went on a date for the first time in a long time! I finally decided to get out there and make some effort. I'm ready now. BUT! (and there always is a but) it turns out this girl has a long distance boyfriend! How nice! It's scandalous chicks like that who really make me not want to bother sometimes. It's one of those times where you're thankful that you've learned your hard lessons, because you know you won't make the same mistakes again. I mean it's unreal. This girl and her sister both lied to my best friend about it. I have a word for that: PIG. Oh well, on to the next opportunity. The first experience was a bad one, good to get it out of the way so I can move on to better people.
11/21/2004 21:44 #23369
Fun SaturdayWow I haven't had a good ol' bender in a while. I forgot how it felt - my buddy and I went out to Chippewa, well, because that's where the girls are. They were altogether way too plastic and timid, a million and one Britney clones huddling together as to avoid any conversation outside of their own. One of these days I'm going to do the gold digger test at Soho, anyone want to try it with me? Eventually we decided that Chippewa was lame and trucked it on over to the Pink. Ahhh I love that place. We got loaded and played darts with a couple of really cool girls. I haven't laughed so hard in a while - they were very fun to hang out with.
In other news I said a brief hello to one of the cute sushi waitresses. I fully expected to get blown off and such, because I'm sure she gets all kinds of attention from jerks and perverts, but she was actually very nice. Nobody really goes out of their way to say hello and be nice anymore so I thought I would try it. That reminds me - it's been way too long since I've had a spicy tuna roll. I'll have to sit at the bar sometime soon.
Oh yeah - I burned my first DVD the other day! I made a backup copy of Blow. I love that movie - especially when Penelope Cruz becomes a coked-out super bitch. She does a VERY good job - almost too good. That's about all for now! More harassment of tin foil cap types to come during the week!
In other news I said a brief hello to one of the cute sushi waitresses. I fully expected to get blown off and such, because I'm sure she gets all kinds of attention from jerks and perverts, but she was actually very nice. Nobody really goes out of their way to say hello and be nice anymore so I thought I would try it. That reminds me - it's been way too long since I've had a spicy tuna roll. I'll have to sit at the bar sometime soon.
Oh yeah - I burned my first DVD the other day! I made a backup copy of Blow. I love that movie - especially when Penelope Cruz becomes a coked-out super bitch. She does a VERY good job - almost too good. That's about all for now! More harassment of tin foil cap types to come during the week!
11/19/2004 13:26 #23368
Ahhhh.....UB.......I made a nice trip to Capen today to meet with some people. On the way I saw a girl I know who used to work at Spot, who by the way is one of the coolest and most lovely women I've ever met. It was good to see her. Most of the kids walk around looking like zombies. I like the University setting for some reason - to me it's more worthwhile working in Education than at my former job. Most of the university people I deal with are administrative people - professors are in their own little bubble. Overall it's been a better day so far than what I was expecting.
11/18/2004 11:47 #23367
Broken Hearts!So much sorrow. This crap has been on my mind so much lately. After my last relationship ended and I was on the plane getting drunk on cognac, I decided that maybe I wasn't meant to have a girlfriend. Maybe there was something wrong with what I was doing. Perhaps the problem was me, not them. I realized that everything Gramma taught me about how to be a gentleman and treat a woman was turned on its head. It doesn't pay to be sweet. It doesn't pay to show unbridled affection. It doesn't pay to buy flowers and go to dinners and museums and take trips and all of that other nonsense. While I watched my friends more or less be indifferent toward their girlfriends, only caring about what the SHE can do for the HIM - and be rewarded for it by earning their love, devotion and respect - I was doing something that was completely outdated and destined to fail. I needed to go through some kind of personal transformation, to change my attitudes and expectations. To change my behavior. I said I wouldn't go on a single date until I felt I properly de-trained myself and it felt natural to me.
You guys know the feast or famine nature of the dating game, don't you? Sometimes you are alone and can't do anything to help yourself, and other times you can't lose and there are women all around you trying to contact you. I am going through the "feast" part of it right now, and yet the last two nights I have been haunted by nightmares about my ex. Perhaps it's a subconscious reminder to myself to not make the same mistakes I've made in the past. It still feels like crap when you wake up.
So finally after two years, one month, and lots of self analysis and reflection - I went on a lunch date yesterday. Yes that's right! I'm not afraid of some bozo lunatic loser threatening me, yet my heart was going a million bps before I walked into the restaurant. I decided to keep it real and be my normal aloof, goofy, corny, loose mouthed self. Either she would appreciate it or she wouldn't, and I didn't care either way. Oh I was smooth alright. Spilled soup on myself somehow, told plenty of jokes and did my best to try and gain her confidence. She ended up digging me and we're going to get together sometime soon. So far she's a very nice girl and she makes me crack up laughing. I haven't met too many women who were actually interested in entertaining the guy too. Normally I would have had to been the court jester. So it was really refreshing. I had a great time with her. Who knows what will happen, but I will continue to keep it real. I've achieved the inner indifference, and taken advice much like (e:drchlorine) has given. I'm ready and excited again about being in the game.
I know you guys don't care and all but it's so GOOD to get it off your chest! Save some of that Grey Goose for me (e:drchlorine) - I spent all my money on computer parts and now I can't get the good hooch.
You guys know the feast or famine nature of the dating game, don't you? Sometimes you are alone and can't do anything to help yourself, and other times you can't lose and there are women all around you trying to contact you. I am going through the "feast" part of it right now, and yet the last two nights I have been haunted by nightmares about my ex. Perhaps it's a subconscious reminder to myself to not make the same mistakes I've made in the past. It still feels like crap when you wake up.
So finally after two years, one month, and lots of self analysis and reflection - I went on a lunch date yesterday. Yes that's right! I'm not afraid of some bozo lunatic loser threatening me, yet my heart was going a million bps before I walked into the restaurant. I decided to keep it real and be my normal aloof, goofy, corny, loose mouthed self. Either she would appreciate it or she wouldn't, and I didn't care either way. Oh I was smooth alright. Spilled soup on myself somehow, told plenty of jokes and did my best to try and gain her confidence. She ended up digging me and we're going to get together sometime soon. So far she's a very nice girl and she makes me crack up laughing. I haven't met too many women who were actually interested in entertaining the guy too. Normally I would have had to been the court jester. So it was really refreshing. I had a great time with her. Who knows what will happen, but I will continue to keep it real. I've achieved the inner indifference, and taken advice much like (e:drchlorine) has given. I'm ready and excited again about being in the game.
I know you guys don't care and all but it's so GOOD to get it off your chest! Save some of that Grey Goose for me (e:drchlorine) - I spent all my money on computer parts and now I can't get the good hooch.