This is the best store in the world. Ecerytime I take the train downtown its like I can not resist going in and buying something. Yesterday I bought 2 sets of hangers. Since I have done all my laundry it appears I have more clothes than hangers. Lately I have this hang up about living like an adult vs. a college kid. Part of that is not having 3 pairs of pants on the same hanger and 4 skirts hanging from the free hanger that came with the skirt. I think my newest hang up somes from the fact that I live with someone who insists on living like they are in college. Its to the point where I can't have nice stuff because his friends will either get it dirty (furinture) or his 2 pack a day smoking habit will just plain out ruin it. It is disgusting.
Hodown's Journal
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11/22/2004 12:07 #22634
Century 2111/18/2004 17:09 #22633
Roommate WantedHey eppeps I need some assistance. I know some of you have some NYC contacts. Im looking to move back to parkslope my ohl hood in brooklyn. If anyone knows of someone looking for a roommate let me know!
11/15/2004 12:35 #22632
RIP ODBOle Dirty Bastard died. :( Who will Mariah do her next duet with? Seriously he stayed true to the ghetto- once all the old school rappers are gone all we will be left with are rappers like chingy. I don't want to live in a world like that.
11/10/2004 13:47 #22631
Gasp- I may be done with New YorkYes I may be done with this city. I heart New York, but it is sucking everything that I like about myself out of me. I can remember the days where I was a laid back chill person. Ok maybe not laid back and chill but nicer and way less stressed out than I am now. Everyone tries to rip you off and its freaking cold. So its colder in Buffalo, but I am done with cold. Why be cooped up when you can live someplace warm.
On another note New York is really taking Bush's win hard. You can just feel it in the city. Jason I know you are a republican, and I can respect your views. But Bush is tearing this country apart and making it worse. The "moral majority" is a scary group. As a woman I feel like this can only hurt my personal freedoms. There is talk of reversing roe v wade. As a woman I can not tell you how upset this makes me. No man should be able to tell me what I can and can not do with my body. I'll survive these next 4 years, but I will be 100% more active now in the years leading up to the next election.
On another note New York is really taking Bush's win hard. You can just feel it in the city. Jason I know you are a republican, and I can respect your views. But Bush is tearing this country apart and making it worse. The "moral majority" is a scary group. As a woman I feel like this can only hurt my personal freedoms. There is talk of reversing roe v wade. As a woman I can not tell you how upset this makes me. No man should be able to tell me what I can and can not do with my body. I'll survive these next 4 years, but I will be 100% more active now in the years leading up to the next election.
11/08/2004 17:16 #22630
You have got to be kidding me!Foxygirl makes a statement about the "violence" against the poor Republicans. It only happens because people simply can not live in this conserative/christian right wing country any more. It is to the point where a revolution may be the only answer to end/stop the insanity that Bush/Cheny has brought onto our great country. I think repressing the civil liberties of people because of their sexual preference is much more of an atrocity than any broken window/slashed tire can ever be.
On another note the resort in Florida was simply amazing. Our party that they threw was even more amazing. The spa days (yes plural) I enjoyed were just what the doctor ordered. I could get used to living that lifestyle.Florida (well more like the resort areas St. Petersberg/Tampa/Coco Beach) is beautiful, but the people there are scary to say the least. I was thinking maybe if New York could just take over the state and re-populate it I'd think about moving there. Swimming in Nov. is a wonderful treat and I didn't want to leave :(
On another note the resort in Florida was simply amazing. Our party that they threw was even more amazing. The spa days (yes plural) I enjoyed were just what the doctor ordered. I could get used to living that lifestyle.Florida (well more like the resort areas St. Petersberg/Tampa/Coco Beach) is beautiful, but the people there are scary to say the least. I was thinking maybe if New York could just take over the state and re-populate it I'd think about moving there. Swimming in Nov. is a wonderful treat and I didn't want to leave :(