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09/23/2004 11:43 #22604

Dave Gorman
Sqb I don't remember him, but there was an article about him recently in something(? I read so many papers, etc I don't remember where) about his google wacking. For those of you who don't know google wacking is a "hobby?" where you type in two totally unrealted words to try and get only one search result from google.

Its another beautiful day here in NYC and I am stuck inside all day again- oh joy...

09/22/2004 18:00 #22603

I think
Lilho should hurry up and finish school. Then she should move to NYC. I can't take this no family thing, and I refuse to move to AZ right now (ask me again in 3 months when its the dead of winter and I may have a different take on that).

Question of the day: Is it wrong to date a real estate broker in order to get an in on the market in hopes of living in a better apt?

Work is almost over- this day can not end quick enough. I am seriously considering working for another year, saving everything I make so I can just quit working for 6 months and travel. It seems recently that work is sucking the will out of me. Between the commute and dealing with office bs I can't take it anymore. I mean at 27 I have high blood pressure. I feel like that episode of Friends where Phebe has a heart attack and she is like 30.

09/22/2004 12:30 #22602

Word up
Springfaerie I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Aound the begining of the month I turn into this crazed woman. I am grouchy/bitchy/crying/moody and everytime I have no clue whats going on. In addition I crave chocolate like its going out of style. One time I ate a pack of powdered hot coco like it was normal, then I questioned my sanity and realized it was a week right before the big P. I'm glad Im not alone with my hormonal changes ;)

09/20/2004 17:21 #22598

your story book illustrations are amazing. I used to have a book when I was little with womderful pics like that. I think kids would really dig a book like that- no joke.

09/20/2004 15:33 #22597

I am all about
supporting local businesses. It was even more important to me when I lived on the strip. I always said if I could just take the strip and my old apartment and transplant it into NYC I would be as happy as a pig in mud. I love Buffalo in a co-dependant way and really want the best for it. I always believed there was an amazing community waiting to burst out of the elmwood scene and it just needed some help. It started to emerge right as I moved. Part of this community is knowing your local business people and supporting them. Now I am in Jersey City and I do the same. Big corporations tend to suck everything they can out of a person/community and not give back. My roommate used to work for Macy's. I couldn't believe the stories he told me. ONe time around the holidays (side note- everyone was required to work on saturdays during the time from thanksgiving until after the new year for no additional pay) anyways a rat died overnight. The copywriters came in the next day and saw the rat lying there. So they called maintance. An hour went by, a half day went by, a day went by. My roommate being the funniest guy ever put a tombstone over the rat with RIP BEN on it (Ben being Michael Jackson's infamous pet mouse). then two days go by, my roommate has a memorial service for Ben, stopping everyone to have a moment of silence. Finally three days later the rat gets cleaned up. No one saw the humor in the death of the rat or saw the humor in naming it Ben. Do you think the CEO of Macy's would have stood for having a dead animal in his office for days? No way. But apparently its ok for a salaried worker to have it rot next to him for days. Since I heard that I refuse to shop there, even if they are having a huge sale. So after my long story the point is I am all for localy owned and operated (unless you are Panos of course and are trying to pave the whole city into a parking lot)